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Halfords And Trials Bikes


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me and RRtrials work at halfords and we are trying to get more trials bikes in to halfords. alot of people dont know that halfords can get trials bikes. they deal with people like koxx, try-all and a few others.

as trials is getting bigger and better we think it would be a good idea but what do you lot think?

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me and RRtrials work at halfords and we are trying to get more trials bikes in to halfords. alot of people dont know that halfords can get trials bikes. they deal with people like koxx, try-all and a few others.

as trials is getting bigger and better we think it would be a good idea but what do you lot think?

up to halfords isn't it? not you.

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We were gunna do this when I worked in Halfords, but then we realised that people barely spend the extra money on the Apollo 'S' models, so no way will they spend around a grand on a shiney new Koxx bike.

I had my bike in the repair stand once, and a lot of people were asking about it, so I guess there is an interest..

People go to Halfords for cheap bikes, for a bit of commuting, or a kids bike that'll just get trashed, not specialist stuff...

Just face it, Halfords sucks. :P

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i think that it would be a good idea for them to get parts in. last time i went to halfords though i ordered some tryall replica bars and i went in twice in 2 months to see if they had arrived and they said that they was still watting for them to arrive so it would be a good idea if they could get their act together and get there ordering sorted out to

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I know a halfords mechanic, and hammers seem to be the favorite tool in that place, FUNK THAT SHIZZ

well i am a bike mechanic for halfords and that not my favorite tool,to be honest if a hammer is his favorite tool he is not a mechanic.

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well, its a good idea having the saracen trials bikes there...as it allows people to see trials bikes in the flesh...makes buying easier etc, however i cant really see the point of having big brands like koxx there, as anyone that wants to spend that kind of money on a bike usually knows what they are doing, therefore look on the internet or go to a good LBS.

I suppose having the cheap yabaa's there ( koxx's cheaper sub-brand ) wouldn't be a bad idea, and onza might want to look into it as well

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Halfords have a deal with NSE so they can get koxx tryall bionic and zhi already. But as it always is and proberly always will be they will just order the stuff in they won't actually stock alot of bits and parts may be just a bike for display purposes. Its good that they are able to get stuff but i won't use them as its just easier to ring tarty and have it sent rather than go through halfords and wait for it to arrive. Also if there isnt a trials rider at that halfords i can see may warrentie queries being a hassle as they won't understand.

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Over 430 stores nationwide...all to stock trials bikes? Good luck with that. There simply isn't enough money to be made to warrent stocking all the stores with trials bikes and/or components.

Yes, they may well order on request, but personally, I'd rather give my money to Tartybikes than to a multi-million pound company who won't notice if I buy a bike from them or not.

Halfords is not a specialised bike store and never will be.

Theres more to a business than money! Passion is vital. Halfords are there to make money and thats that. To keep shareholders happy and try and beat the previous turnover.

Tartybikes, 3(?) dedicated riders and know everything there is to know about trials bikes - wouldn't you rather help keep that alive?

Sure, it would be nice if halfords stocked a few small components so you didn't have to wait on postage. But you should travel about a bit, there are hundreds of little bike shops that you'd be suprised what they stock!

Edited by anzo
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If you have ever worked in a bike hut, they feel very 'separate' to the rest of halfords, all have their unique-ness, either way 1 bike hut can get a few parts in and this doesn't affect the rest of the bikehuts.

Basically we have a profile that means that all of the bikehuts have to be very similar, but extra parts and displays can be made at the bikehut team and store managers discretion.

Getting Trials bike displays and parts is well within the grasps of any halfords bikehut its just a matter of who can be bothered to go about it etc.

Im gonna try push it with dave and see if we can get a trials bike display with a few bikes and parts for out store.

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talking about bikes that are not specialist,well yesterday we got a carbon fiber framed bike in that is worth £999.99 i feel strongly that we should keep supporting the smaller company's but if we did.stock them it might get more people involved with the sport plus it might get more people who dont want really expensive bikes into the sport.

and dont you want more people to get in to it (Y)

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i don't know why people still try and go to actual shops to buy parts?

in my experience using the internet is much much cheeper,

not only the parts them selves but usually free postage which means no petrol getting to the shop!

so it may mean waiting 1-2 days to recieve them but it saves energy which could be used fitting and testing them!!

halford's and anyother bike store will never actually stock alot of trials parts because its just not a viable business!!

they MIGHT get a couple of sales a week but who can live off that?

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last time i went to halfords i asked for a tap & die set... they didn't even know what i meant. the only reason you'd get someone interested in a trials bike on the workstand is cos they'd go "ooo look it hasn't got a seat". i wouldn't waste tgime stocking trials bikes in there cos they'd just never sell. the parts might do, but the customer base they have is far too commercial and uneducated as far as bikes go

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I've no decent independent bike shop near me so wondered into Halfords last night to see if i could pick up a couple of bits. I was disappointed to find out they couldn't help me. to be honest thats exactly what i was expecting, but if they'd had the bits then they'd have had a sale! Surely that would have been a good thing ?

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