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Trials Bikes On Ebay


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Stick what your willing to pay as your highest bid and dont look again till yo know its finished that way you dont pay more than you have. Make sure you use the max bid facility and not just put down the next bid to whats there. So if its at a tenner, dont put 11 put what your max is 60 for example.

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JustSnipe, you'll never win bidding in the last 10minutes! wait til the last 30seconds at the earliest, or use Justsnipe that'll do it in the last 8 seconds for you :)

your not guarrentied to win that way at all. As on ebay you put you max bid so someone might put it as 80quid and with 10seconds left it might be at 55quid so if you put 56 in at the last second you won't win even if you was willing to pay more than the 80 he had his max at.

Just put what you willing to pay for it and then leave it, if it goes for more then it was to expensive for you. If you get it then your all gravy.

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your not guarrentied to win that way at all. As on ebay you put you max bid so someone might put it as 80quid and with 10seconds left it might be at 55quid so if you put 56 in at the last second you won't win even if you was willing to pay more than the 80 he had his max at.

Well obviously, but if you put your max bid in with even more than a few minutes left, people will keep putting in the next highest bid until they beat your max, if you don't put your max in until the last couple of seconds people wont be trying to see what your max is...

Also put in a few pence extra as your max bid, so rather than £50, put £50.12

That justsnipe site just does it all for you, and for free, I've won 90% of the things I've told it to bid on :)

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