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Best Thnig You Have Done On Your Bike?


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everything for me any way, beacuse ive know it sounds sad but it took me along time to learn the moves then when i put them together or get up something or gap something i have not done before it just makes me smile. probs guna get called a pussy but meh.

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Probably a pedal hop onto a pallet that was on a curb with a rock on the top, rubbish i know but i spent the rest of the day with a huge smile on my face :D

I'm still not getting up there every time but when i do, i now dump by bike and do three victory laps of my garden with my shirt over my head.

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  txt2007 said:
I'm still not getting up there every time but when i do, i now dump by bike and do three victory laps of my garden with my shirt over my head.

Haha sounds great! I've felt like doing that a few times on rides, but being in the middle of a big city it isn't always the smartest thing to do :P

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  Skoze said:
Going to London and meeting lots of amazing people (Y)

Like my sexy self?

Anywho, mine was back wheel a little wall, drop to manual, sidehop a bigger wall, 270 out of it ;)

Oh and tyretap to pedal cans

And trying to 180 disaster to 360 exit :( It hurt :(

Edited by El Cristoff
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