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Stolen Bike


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hey, basicaly my mate ryan granaski (ryan@eastcoasttrials) got his bike stolen about a month ago from his garden

and recently weve been told who it was by lots of people, so i recently confronted one of his mates and he said the same, yea it was him etc...

so i confronted the guy (jamie voss) last night and he shit himself,and sort of denied it etc so obviouse he was lying..... the thing is my dad is a cop an he said that if i tell the police they wont realy bother doin anything cus to them its just another stolen bike.... and plus we dont know where hes keeping it so hell just get rid of it...

and you guessed it...hes a dirty lil chav

he knows exactly how much his bike meant to him as hes a local and sees us about on them all the time and the whole town knows us as like the biker boys lol so to go into his garden and steal that away from him is just unreal

this guy is on bebo


so dont be all immature and call all the swear words you know.... be intimidating (how ever you spell)

like just ask him where the bike is, tell how deep hes in the shit now hes donw it and especialy if it doesnt come etc

and tell him that all me and ryan need to do is ask and youll come do your part if you get me lol

im not trying to make everyone give out threats here but this guys is such scum and when i confronted him hes was like 'yea heard it al before, what you gunna do about it'

you need to add him as a mate to veiw and comment him but just add him please... as then when hes next online hell have like millions of add request from trialsers... and that will hopefuly make him realise how deep hes in the sh*t

please help us, just imagine what youd feel like getting your bike knicked and then finding out who its was knowing that they have your bike

his bebo: http://www.bebo.com/c/profile/no_can_do?MemberId=5503051027

thanks guys

please dont move this as no one realy looks in the stolen thread and we need as much support as possible

trials is/was ryans life... same as most people on here

and we can get ryans trials life back!!!


Edited by adrian@eastcoasttrials
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whats stoping you from just smashing his face in ? , yes i realise that violence isnt allwasy the answer but if my bike was stole and i knew who did it they would never walk again :lol:

il add him on bebo just to show my suport and good luck in getting it back i hope it doesnt have to end in violence or maybe just a huge group ride on that guys front lawn .

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Naaaaaa !! Dont smash his face in just get somewhere were it hurts, get him in an arm lock or summat that could possibly break a bone and make him give it you (I know it sounds violent) but the same thing happened to me I knew who the willy was but he wouldnt say where it was and all, well he sold it on to his little skratter chav mates but the police found it after like 3months and it was no point having it back it was fu***d!! So aslong as you know who it is do something quick and Intimidate him..

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whats stoping you from just smashing his face in ? , yes i realise that violence isnt allwasy the answer but if my bike was stole and i knew who did it they would never walk again :lol:

il add him on bebo just to show my suport and good luck in getting it back i hope it doesnt have to end in violence or maybe just a huge group ride on that guys front lawn .

cus its not my bike, that is up to ryan... but obviously id help and weve got a few mates that would... theplan is to scar him enough to tell us where it is then once we have it back well make sure he even thinks of taken a bike or anything again.

Naaaaaa !! Dont smash his face in just get somewhere were it hurts, get him in an arm lock or summat that could possibly break a bone and make him give it you (I know it sounds violent)

yep i happen to know a few of those, and some real special 'headlocks'

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yup its / was my bike..... bad news is that hes sold it on for £60...what a f**king retard!!

so basically is it worth me telling the police i know who stole it and whos sold it? two people by the way...

i have no idea what to do

i wanna trials again :(

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Thats bad news there Ryan, I hope things do work out.

I've added the theif, and when he accepts I'll join the bandwagon and comment his profile.

Surely you could at least get him to tell you who he sold it to, if he sold it to a friend then they might be able to get them to exchange again.

If he sold it to a genuine buyer, find out who it is and reason with him and offer to buy it back.

Its better than nothing 'eh?

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yup its / was my bike..... bad news is that hes sold it on for £60...what a f**king retard!!

so basically is it worth me telling the police i know who stole it and whos sold it? two people by the way...

i have no idea what to do

i wanna trials again :(

police won't do anything with out evidence. You can say you know that it is in a guys garage and chances are they cant do anything unless you can prove it. If your wanting to claim on house insurance you will have to report it to police and get a crime number though.

Like said if you know who has it now then find him when hes on his own with your mates and threaten, even if your not a hard lad if you believe you are and get up in his face and shout at him and you have your mates there then he'll feel really intimidated and start telling. Or you could stalk him for abit untill you find him out on bike and then close line him off it.

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Lol at this thread, you're meant to be 18 fella.

Add him on bebo and act intimidating so he gives me my bike back... whatever next :rolleyes:

yup its / was my bike..... bad news is that hes sold it on for £60...what a f**king retard!!

so basically is it worth me telling the police i know who stole it and whos sold it? two people by the way...

i have no idea what to do

i wanna trials again :(

If you're not gonna do anything else tell the police, buying stolen good is still an offence. The bike still belongs to you regardless.

Im guessing being a trials bike its made of custom parts, and im guessing you have receipts/ companies will have evidence that you bought these parts... easy for the police to prove that the bike is yours.

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were gunna try and find out who he sold it to, or we might bump into the guy up norwich as thats where they sold it apparently and then get the guy who bought it to come down sheringham ... and let him point the finger..... then where ever that finger is pointing will be enough fo us to... welll.... ummmmm you know :)

the thing is he migh just be saying he sold it to get us off his back... cus i dnt have a clue how and who they wud of sold it to... they dnt know anyone up norwich lol

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deffinately get the old biill involved mate, if you know where it is and who has it withought a doubt do it!

My mate had his bike niced and we found out who had it, after giving them a description ect they went and got it for him!

Deffinately do it mate,... what can you lose apart from a bit of time!

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