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Too Old For Trials?

stunt man t

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My dad loves having a go on my bike and is looking to get one in April.

He's 38, but he does have alot of bmxing experience and he's waaaaaay better than me even though he only has a little go. :(:(

I don't see anything wrong with 'older' people doing trials.


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My dad's had a few go's on mine before; he's 50 :D He enjoyed it, but he wasnt very good. Aslong as its keeping you out and about and your having fun, then i say carry on doing what you enjoy, ignore anyone who tells you too grow up. Their just jelous because they havent got the skill to ride trials :P

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im 23 in august!

started trials bout june last year.

just got back from awesome notts ride and i was the oldest there (i think?)

and they were sooo much better then me.

probably be 25 til i can ride as good as them, and they were half my age.

but i wont give up ;)

You werent the oldest today mate. Andrei burton and wayne are older than you. and so is joe seddon i believe. and possibly patrick, your about the same age.

Where as i was one of the youngest. :)


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lol i'm 26yrs old and i still ride, your never too old to ride or do anything. My girlfriend thinks its for kids and tells me to grow up. I just laugh at her :lol: she has her moans when i go out but i tell her to deal with it or go to her mates. On the plus side it keeps you fit i know im not gonna be fat when im older.

Edited by Invader Zim
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I'm scared of getting old! I'm 17 end of march. Where does all the time go! :$

Holy sh*t mate. I wish i started at your age with all that no fear shenanigans.

Every time i do a drop i am sh*ting myself.

I'm so glad i get sick pay from work.

Anyway you could be world champ in the forthcoming years, i think thats a bit out of my reach now :(

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Holy sh*t mate. I wish i started at your age with all that no fear shenanigans.

Every time i do a drop i am sh*ting myself.

I'm so glad i get sick pay from work.

Anyway you could be world champ in the forthcoming years, i think thats a bit out of my reach now :(

Sorry shenanigans is what old people say.

Fcuk i must be old :$

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Hiya Tony... fancy seeing you here :)

Yep, i am 43 this year. Tony and i ride with another 42 year old, Kev. We are all basically at the beginner level but the main thing is we have a laugh and it helps keep us fit. It also helps my motorcycle trials.

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OAPeacock and myself (38) often have a crowd of much younger riders watching us as we attempt to do stuff they can do in their sleep but there must be something fascinating about two wise men knocking hell out of themselves trying to beat the obstacle infront of them. :$

Riding trials clears the mind and the soul, something Emmerdalenders will never do. John and i are lucky to have our sons involved in trials which inspires us to ride and to show them just how dam good we are!! :lol:

I take my kids to the BMX park and really enjoy scaring myself to death on the quarter pipes!! We also go to a local BMX race track and I get a load of respect from all ages of riders for having a go. It really does the ego a whole lot of good B)

If you want some pallets we have loads at our place and have some bobbins as well (Y) Doing your own thing matters to only one person, you. Go back to work and tell them you want some pallets to practice on because you want to be the best. Anyone who blanks that sort of determination has something missing from their tiny lives.

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I didn't realise the forum had this many 'senior' members. My respect to you all.

I myself am turning 22 this year, not old in comparison to some of you, but I have no intention of stopping trials anytime soon.

I still enjoy it and my body will still let me do it, just about, so why stop?

There's no reason why you can't still get a car / mortgage / girlfriend as the only thing stopping that is money and potentially personality, neither of which are really affected by riding a bike.

Edit: also look at football. If professional football players didn't earn millions then everybody would think a load of 30 year old men kicking a leather bag around was immature, and football takes a lot less skill, technique and determination as trials.

Edited by James Quigley
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I have been out on my bike with my mate this aft he is 30ish, and we had the best ride ever, pushing each other on a couple of logs in the local school.

some body once said to me that and I quote,

"You are here for a good time not a long time"

Make the most of it pal, you will not be able to so it forever.

Oh yes one last thing Mr hurman I am 37 NOT 38 how many times do I have to tell you. And I think they are not as you put it "facinated" but just think it is funny and who ever said we are wise!!!!!! :giggle:


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im 24 (Y):) and still love riding to bits, is it your mates that dont have anything better to do than sit down the local pub? doing pub quiz everyday?

or even just going to the pub EVERY night pissing there money up the wall and being so un fit?

Riding still inspires me to ride more, the riders involved and the styles and techniques you learn from one and other.

Dont quit or even consider it, just because your mate/mates are saying to get a car/Gf/mortgage etc. enjoy your life while your still young!!! at the end of the day you want to stay as young as you can for as long as you can. look at John P and Neil Raven from up our way, mid-late 30's and still getting alot of enjoyment and excersize out of it.

Im 25 in september, and i enjoy riding as much now (if not more) as when i 1st started.


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waynes right,... id rather be old and doing an enjoyable, fun and healthy sport than, old and filling a stereotype by sittin at the pub or being another overweight office clown.

Iv just turned 30, in october 2007. It was a hard day personally, a day id said when i was 23/24ish id stop riding by that age. But noway never u cant stop doing what u love nomatter what. If your true to yourself you will not allow the thoughts or opinions of others to influence your decision to ride. Riding is not bound by age, riding is only bound by fun and enjoyment. Once those things have gone, then look elswhere til then.. grab the bar, stomp those pedals and love every minute of it.

one last note.. i find akkers inspiring. not just for his riding, but we are the same age (only a few months in it) and hes stil riding like a youngster with no fear and 110% commitment, something that seems to fade away for most of us as we get older.

Live for the Ride :)

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Im 16, 17 end of May.

Started riding when i was 14 and in them 2 years however many months. I've improved a vast amount, I don't really think age has anything to do with it, aslong as your fit and healthy to a certain extent, you'll be fine. I smoke and it's not affecting my riding at all so why should age affect you :). Although I am getting scared. I don't wanna' get any older. Riding is currently my life, I dont have any responsabilites, No girlfriend, No mortgage etc. I hope to ride trials for atleast the next 10 years, then i probably won't want it to end.

The only thing thats gonna' stop me from riding is when my body won't currently let me.

Ride on buddy :)


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