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Ahoy hoy,

Just wondering about two things...

1. Why is there a 30 timer on the search? I'm guessing its something to do with bots/maintaining site speed? Any chance of removing it or reducing it?

2. Is there an option of searching users posts to specific threads? Rather than specific forums and sub-forums?

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The search on this site is utterly crap. Say you search for 'trials game' it'll bring up any topics that has the words 'trials' and 'game' in it. And list them in whatever order you select. But the actual topic that is titled 'trials game' will be 20 pages in.

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A search is quite resource intensive so was a prime target for spammers to attempt to bring the site down. 30 seconds is quite high but that's why its there.

You can get around the 3 letter thing by using quotes around it, so it's a literal search rather then loose, much like searching for trials game, and "trials game".

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Yeah I know the search is absolute bollocks. The 3 letter rule is part of how the actual database works - so theres no way around that. The 30 second rule is there to stop people hammering the search function as it takes up soooooo much resources to complete the search.

I've been looking for a while at installing 'sphinx' - a dedicated search program on the server which lets you search for 2 letter words and takes a maximum of 0.05 seconds apparently. Only thing is its a bit more clutter on the server, and requires changing the IPB files (which is annoying when it comes round to upgrades...).

Will keep you updated...

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Ok sphinx is installed.

Sooooo much faster at searching than it was before, and results seem to be relevant too, which makes a change.

I'll reduce down the 30 second limit to 10.

And you can search for 2 letter words and above now.

"2. Is there an option of searching users posts to specific threads? Rather than specific forums and sub-forums?"

No dont think so.

Just done a quick test.. searching for 'bmx gearing ratio' took about 5 seconds before and returned over 1000 topics. Now it takes 0.05 seconds and returns 5 topics.

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"2. Is there an option of searching users posts to specific threads? Rather than specific forums and sub-forums?"

You can do that in thread though, I guess? Or at least search in the threads...

More time consuming too, but if you're on a PC you can just open a thread, Ctrl+F, type in the person's username and cycle through them like that?

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