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... kick living shit outer ur dad, hes obviously a weak man to beat you ...

Doing so would be unlikely to improve his situation . This appears to be a critical point in Beau's life , where an sensible or poor decision may have profound effects upon his future . Your advice would lead to further estranging his family and possibly facing criminal charges - NOT helpful to anyone . By the tone of your post , I presume you know him ? Then show him guidance and support , and impress upon him that by refraining from retalliatory violence he will be actively demonstrating his father's weakness . Best of luck , Beau - be smart . :king:

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  • 4 weeks later...

Beau if you consider selling those leather seats in your car you might have some cash.

f**king arsehole's accepting money for shite they are not going to send when they have said they will.

I havn't checked yet but i'd hope he has been blacklisted.

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haha, someone needs to wake up and smell the coffee, he gave all that shit about being homelesss and getting arrested for mowing that old bloke down and all this, yet he's always on msn and out riding! this kid needs a f**king slap!

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To be fair, the whole scammers will be banned thing id a pretty shit idea, if banned then members will make a new account (Grant Hundley any one ? )But if blackilisted they can still use the forum, just not classifieds/ PM feature.

Bottom line is theres more chance of a banned member making a new account than there is a BLT doing it.

And i think that people that do stuff like this (pepole that are given bad feedback) should also be blacklisted, people might get there parts in the end but if it takes months to get there then it's still a pisstake.For example, If you're stuff does arrive Synergy, Will Beua be blacklisted ? no, he'll just be given badfeedback and other members will deal with him.

I appreciate that you're in a shit prediciment beua but this is getting beyond a joke imo, sort it out (Y)

If you can come on here and post and also go riding i'm sure you could get to a post office or refund him.

Edited by Adam-Griffin
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hi guys. really really sorry about it. Yes i have been kicked out er i been in a cell for 2 days erm at my ex gfs house where she did have the net but it was so slow i gave up. I come back home one day to sort the stuff out and i pretty much got batterd by my dad few bruised ribs bit of a swolen cheek bone and bruises on my legs. Erm im trying my bets to sort it out i reallydont want to f**k no one over im not like that i dont mean it. And to the guy who said about where i sleep and last meal well i managed to rob a firkins lorry for bread and cakes and a milk float crate for orange juice and milk lol. I got a lot of problems i mean alot of shit going on im doing my best. sory fo rthe delay and hassle guys i really dont mean it. im currently sitting in my car on my mobile typing this lol so sory if anything is spelt bad my phone add words. Im in a car park in the dark behind some bins and yes its freexzing and i hae leather seats so anything that aint been touched for few mins is like ice,

will do my best guys dont worry if i have to ill drive to you and give them you

Locked up for 2 days

Beat up by Dad

Chucked out of parents house

Living 'rough' in the car

Stealing food and drink

But you can still afford to run a car and use expensive internet via a mobile phone to tell everyone on trials-forum about your problems?

Stop making excuses and sort it out before its too late, you can use a PC and type so I'm sure you could get a job in an office and rent a small flat? :)

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