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I don't understand how he has the nerve to come on here and post things and act normal when he's been such a willy. I really don't understand.

because iwasnt a willy o had problems ok i forgot about the headset and i was really late sending it. ive apologisd and thats all i can do i have sent the hub ages and ages ago dont know whats happening with that.

What do you want me to donot post becauseof something that should of been delt with between me and him its got f**k all to do with any one else.

he had the headset and its over now

i have nothing else to send to anyone so i dont know what you want me to say

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ive apologisd and thats all i can do i have sent the hub ages and ages ago dont know whats happening with that.

This is where being sketchy with other people comes back to haunt you, in that no-one's going to believe that.

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If the hub's lost in the post, it's up to you, the sender, to claim for reimbursement from Royal Mail. Standard insurance covers you up to £34 I think. So basically, if the hub hasn't appeared, you're going to have to get onto them to get your money back and then provide a refund to the buyer.

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ive apologisd and thats all i can do i have sent the hub ages and ages ago dont know whats happening with that.

If i was in this situation i would have definatly sent the hub recored deilvery, so that you have a traking number which you could have given to the reciver. And if it did go astray (which they very rearly do with recored delivery) you could get some compensation.

But i'm guessing you just sent it 1st class?

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This is where being sketchy with other people comes back to haunt you, in that no-one's going to believe that.

Ye i dont expect people to beleive me but now i dont know what to do ive sent all i should. Just wish people would take stuff in to account that i had problems and they wasnt just small ones.

I dont know what to say im nota willy i never try to piss no one off ok i hav emade a mistake but no need for anyone to ban me from the forum for eveer that would be taking the piss.

What can i do to make it like normal because theres no point me posting anything no point in vids because it will probs be the vid was goo or the vid was shit and your a willy.

If i can try and sort this hub out with post office can it be like normalish and not so may of you think something thats not true you havent met me in real life so you cant judge me ok i have made a f**k up i admitt i have been a idiot i didnt mean it just dont want everyone hating me. If i come on a big ride and i meet some people who have posted this does that mean there going to be like that when they see me?

Hope someone understands where im coming from

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I just don't get why, when you knew you were 'having problems', you continued to do deals with people on here, even though you must've known you'd have trouble posting stuff to them? The way you said you were having all those issues, yet still going on group rides, still upgrading your bike, still being on here, still being on MSN, etc., just seemed like you weren't really doing all you could to sort out the people who's money you'd taken.

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I just don't get why, when you knew you were 'having problems', you continued to do deals with people on here, even though you must've known you'd have trouble posting stuff to them? The way you said you were having all those issues, yet still going on group rides, still upgrading your bike, still being on here, still being on MSN, etc., just seemed like you weren't really doing all you could to sort out the people who's money you'd taken.

I was already doing deals befor i got my self into this. And there int much i can do i didnt go on group rides i had no bike. I had the mod deng gave me and swapped it i have not had anything for my bike for as long as i can remember apart from i gave a frame for a chris king hub.

If i Get this hub sorted if post ofice will do anything can it go back to normal. I really dont like f**king people about and them saying pricks because its different in person. If some one f**ked me up and every one had ago who wasnt involved i wouldnt say willy to them on a ride if you get me. I just want it normal and people not having a grudge or whatever against me for this. I will do my best even if it means getting money to them and a part ill do that if i can. I just want it normal and people erm liking me or not thinking shit of me

come on guys please i sound gay as f**k asking people who i dont know and they dont know me to be fine etc

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Right, this is starting to get depressing! Im not a willy or a nob, im a genuine guy that before all this never had problems with sales and trust. I was going throught a lot of shite, both family and social and to be honest that was what was worrying me more than sending out the hub and headset, I had to set my priorites ! I do realise what I did was wrong with selling when I new what was going on etc, but I am sorry for it! If you would give me a second chance I would defo not blow it and make sure that anything that I confirm will happen ! Im slowly sorting out all my problems and becoming stable again which when that happens I will be back to the trusty reliable beau I used to be.

Econtrol- if you add me on msn ( beau_forrest89@hotmail.com ) We can come to a agremenet, and if the hub isn’t with you by Monday I will send you a refund ? If you remind me how much it was etc…

Like I said forum, im sorry im a normal guy that just likes to get out on his bike, and all this has give you the wrong impression of me ! I hope this clears some of it up, cause its starting to get me down

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Right, this is starting to get depressing! Im not a willy or a nob, im a genuine guy that before all this never had problems with sales and trust. I was going throught a lot of shite, both family and social and to be honest that was what was worrying me more than sending out the hub and headset, I had to set my priorites ! I do realise what I did was wrong with selling when I new what was going on etc, but I am sorry for it! If you would give me a second chance I would defo not blow it and make sure that anything that I confirm will happen ! Im slowly sorting out all my problems and becoming stable again which when that happens I will be back to the trusty reliable beau I used to be.

Econtrol- if you add me on msn ( beau_forrest89@hotmail.com ) We can come to a agremenet, and if the hub isn’t with you by Monday I will send you a refund ? If you remind me how much it was etc…

Like I said forum, im sorry im a normal guy that just likes to get out on his bike, and all this has give you the wrong impression of me ! I hope this clears some of it up, cause its starting to get me down

Can't ask for much more than that i suppose can we people ?

Give the guy a second chance ?


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have you tried claiming through the po for whatever has been lost.

I lost a disk ages ago now and went through all this shit trying to sort it out, in the end I repayed the guy and filled out a couple of forms in the post office, and a few weeks later I recieved a nice letter apologising and a cheque for £30.

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have you tried claiming through the po for whatever has been lost.

I lost a disk ages ago now and went through all this shit trying to sort it out, in the end I repayed the guy and filled out a couple of forms in the post office, and a few weeks later I recieved a nice letter apologising and a cheque for £30.

didnt evev know you could do that i thought once post ofice said they cant do nothing about it thats that. I always sweat when i go in worrying. Ill try tomorrow i promis.

Guys i sound gay and i gues i am begging please can i have another chance and we all be happy seatless familys. Im not a fanny i swear. If it helps lol one time i gave a gu you set of tuff guy forks on a ride because he broke hes and lived miles away. Free lol. Also went home from brum and got a leaver some someone could well of been danko.

Come on guys

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Do what i said...

Give him a second chance!

Thankyou i wont ever f**k no one over again. If i ever do sell anything and someone buys it i will send them whatever they want before they send cash. Does anyone know toxsin lee btw from mersey side at all if so let me know please

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Tough titties.

The more you cry and moan about it like a little bitch the less chance anyone is going to help you out. If I was you I'd just keep my head down be nice and get on with things. You really wont get anywhere whining on about it. You've had your chance and blew it man up and get on with things.

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Just give the lad another chance?

Give the guy a second chance ?

Give him a second chance!

WTF?! How many 'second chances' is he going to get? There's no point him even commenting on this thread. Send out the stuff, sort out the people, or give the money back. Otherwise just don't bother, you're going to get rinsed.

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You might be a nice guy on rides BEAU but to be honest as a forum user you have been a bad poster, then when things go wrong you are so blaze about the whole thing you make a name for yourself. The problem is the stuff still has not been sorted, your asking for second chances but you had when you said everything will be posted by monday the whenever. I don't know you and i have never called you a willy but just sort it our ASAP. Like "Anal Teflon" said it will return to normal but you have to earn the "respect" back.

Tom (Y)

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