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Ben Savage


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Below the belt, Chris!! Whatever happened to Ian anyway?... Can't wait to see Rowan's signature frame- I still think it'll just be an 04 Pure with his name on it ;)

Below the belt...? Those frames were awesome. Last time I saw Ian was probably about a year ago, and he was riding a Megamo. Also had a prototype Identiti with him, but that's obsolete now.

BTW, who said anything about a signature frame?

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ha - think that would be a looong way off ...

anyway thanks to all - going to be a great year - hopefull we will get some great product and real fun + interesting media out ....

Haha when you told me you'd be riding an Ashton I didn't think you were sponsored by them!

Nice one mate, I'll talk to you on msn later today at some point.

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Personally when I hear "Diamond" back I think of shitty catalog bikes. However the words "DBR" make me think of an amazing white trials frame that tibo used to ride.

Good luck to everyone involved lets hope this brings us a bike that isn't +30 1090 72degs. I'd really like to see a frame like ashtons old cannondale the one before he left them. I think now would be a great time for an old school kind of bike.

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However the words "DBR" make me think of an amazing white trials frame that tibo used to ride.

You've just reminded me of that frame! Absolutely gorgeous frame, shame the person who I knew that had one use to use it for dirt jumping. Sacrilege! Anybody got pics?

Found it!


Thibaut Marriaux

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Craziness!! That's what a company like Diamondback need, someone like Ashton on side. Let's hope they listen to him and produce good bikes now, unlike some of the larger manufacturers who just seemed to ignore their pro riders and produce secondrate bikes.

What now for Ashton Bikes, i.e. Ali C, Gav, etc?

Sounds like a great team! Will we be seeing a frame with 04 pure geo? :-

I left ashtonbikes a few months ago, got some big plans ahead!

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Ooooooh, so that's why Rowan doesn't need a Pyaw any more. Does this mean that he's no longer on the Tarty bikes team?

Anyway, nice one Rowan, and I look forward to seeing what Ashton/DBR can make. Probably a shite catalogue trials bike for chavs with the team riding either an Ashton or a Koxx - rebadged, naturally. :rolleyes:

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Yeah great news! Nice one Rowan :D

Below the belt, Chris!! Whatever happened to Ian anyway?... Can't wait to see Rowan's signature frame- I still think it'll just be an 04 Pure with his name on it ;)

Ah yes Ian Cooper! Can't remember who told me but apparently he liked his knives and used them on actual people, basically he lost the plot, got dropped, dunno where he is now. This could be utter b.s. but I didn't know the guy so...

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Ooooooh, so that's why Rowan doesn't need a Pyaw any more. Does this mean that he's no longer on the Tarty bikes team?

Anyway, nice one Rowan, and I look forward to seeing what Ashton/DBR can make. Probably a shite catalogue trials bike for chavs with the team riding either an Ashton or a Koxx - rebadged, naturally. :rolleyes:

Yeah, the worry is that they'll do their usual thing of not making any top spec parts and just do cheap, generic completes. If they really pushed their 'real' trials parts with their team now they could make some waves, but obviously that's more risky than just pumping out a load of £400rrp bikes that'll cost them £100 to make each. C'est la vie, hopefully I'll be pleasantly surprised.

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Another bad boy right there.

Anyway I think if say hope got involved in the production bikes then they could really be something special but I doubt that will happen.

I'm sure Ashton has got loads of great ideas but we'll see how limited he is going through diamondback.

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Its great news.

Diamond Back have been trying so hard to get back into trials over the last few years, and if anyone can do it Martyn can.

When I used to work for Raleigh I tried to get hold of one of the Black and white DBR frames, the day before I rang them up, 1 guy bought the last 8 frames made.

That was harsh.

Its going to be really interesting to see what happens when a dedicatd trials rider meets the largest Bike manufacturer in the World.

Hopefully they wont try and tame the bike to much for general Market use. Best idea would be a series of bikes, so you can have start out bike right up to full hardcore trials machine.

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diamondback already produce the cheaper end bikes, yes they may have got martyn, ben and rowan on board to use their image to promote these existing bikes. but i really dont think these guys would be content with riding bikes with poor geo and bad specs. so i expect the lower end bikes will carry on but i can imagine the geo will improve and some higher end bikes will come out alongside.

i mean its not like diamondback produce purely low end kit, their sabbath dh gear box bike is one of the few gearbox bikes available off the shelf fully loaded ready to go, and having ridden one it works, very very well.


if they put the same sort of commitment and investment into the trials bikes as they did the sabbath i can only see good things happening.

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wow, i didn't believe it at first seeing as him and fred are pretty muc koxx uk... but its pretty clear there

Maybe he'll shed some more light on this when he reads it

Fred is 'N.S.E./Koxx UK' and Ben is 'Trialsman' so that will probably make things easier as Ben will then be able to stock these new Ashton jobbies (Y) .

Anyway, i thought that Ashton teamed up with Orange, not Diamondback :S ...

And, who is Sam Pilgrim?



P.S. - Props to everyone involved in this; it sounds really promising. Good luck to Martyn, Rowan, Ben and Sam. (Y)

Edited by joe b
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Didn't Diamondback f**k Hawziee over?

Congrats to everyone, especially Rowan (Y)

As far as I know yes they did. When I talked to him about a year or two ago he was saying that he had all these ideas for an amazing trials frame but big wigs at Diamond Back never gave their full support and at the time he really didn't know what was going to happen. Looks like it never materiaised.

Hope it goes well for all, ashton and the team.

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