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School Exclusion


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I used to get into trouble all the time at school. Nothing particularly bad though. My main problem was being unable to keep a straight face in front of teachers when something funny happened. So I'd be pissing myself at one of the teacher's bad breath when I was getting told off or something. Got a lot of little detentions for that.

Once when I was in year 7, someone threw a rock at me and it hit me on my eyebrow (a bit too close to my eye really) and I was bleeding everywhere. I didn't see who did it. Anyway, I got sent to the headmaster's office and bollocked for refusing to grass up the person who did it. Got sent home for 2 days for that :ermm:

Then I went to a different school where there were some people who boarded (I didn't though). The best story I heard was one of my mates throwing a can of shaving foam into someone's room through the window and shooting it with a BB gun. Apparently it makes quite a mess...

In terms of computers, when I started at school it was Windows 3.11. The games had all been deleted from the computers, but I used the 'undelete' program and got them all back on loads of the computers. B)

And in my primary school the bus crashed about 20 minutes after I'd got off and a couple of people got brain damage. One was in a wheelchair for several years and although she can walk now, she can't talk properly. Bad times.

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Put some goby year seven in a disabilty lift and the lift went haywall, went pitch black in their and the lift wouldnt open, ran off untill staff found him, and me. was funny as fook at the time, excluded for 5 days.

Nearly was excluded for throwing bricks andlogs into a neighbouring road, poilce came in and talked to us,

Some boy i dont know got exluded for having a wank in a maths lesson

boy got sent home becuase he soiled himself,

friend got excluded for wedgeing another boy and completely ripped his boxers off.

Funniest one was a friend of mine took a photo of his bollocks and showed it to his math teacher, excluded straight away.

Edited by Trials-boy
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every school year has a lad that gets done for wanking! It's part of school life!

In every single school year there is a really tall lad, a stupidly fat lad, a ginger as f**k disgusting girl that always manages to end up with a geek in year 10 and live happily ever after, a girl who is a munter that ends up stunning a few years down the line, a big gripper girl who will batter every lad, and the lad that gets caught wanking!

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French trip in year 7.

Getting chased through this little town by the Police because we shot at them with bb guns from this wall.

Buying fire crackers (jumbo sausage size) and letting them off in the hotel.

Chasing some kids through the french town because he called one of the lads we were with a nig.

That trip was mental lol

Maths teacher was a nutter, used to throw pens and books at us. He once snapped his parker pen, threw it at my mate Glen then started crying because he broke his best pen lol. We also found the spare key to our maths class so decided to lock ourselves in for 2 hours. Dont know why. Boy called Dan got caught wanking at the back of the class, teacher was fit as though haha.

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nah cover teacher she was hot, plus it was more like 5 of us lol

haha you had a group wank over a cover teacher and got caught.

couple of folk got done for wanking in our class. one lad had a male physics teacher who really liked him and always spoke to him, he hated it so he walked in to the lesson with his balls out of his zip and left them out for the whole lesson the teacher never said anything but never spoke t himagain because he found it to strange.

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haha you had a group wank over a cover teacher and got caught.

couple of folk got done for wanking in our class. one lad had a male physics teacher who really liked him and always spoke to him, he hated it so he walked in to the lesson with his balls out of his zip and left them out for the whole lesson the teacher never said anything but never spoke t himagain because he found it to strange.

obviously not...

Edited by Ash-Kennard
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I remember in primary school, they put up this big metal sign on the wall with the school name and logo on it. Because it was only about 5mm thick, it dented really easily. So we used to throw stones at it and have competitions to get it in the middle of this circle.

Becuase it was so close to the edge of the building, occasionally you'd throw too far to the left and it would fly into the playground and either hit a kid, teacher or a window. Anyways, we never learnt our lesson and one day I threw one really hard at the sign, it reflected off, over the wall and hit a brand new BMW that was parked over the road.

Needless to say I was strung up for it, me and a few others had to write a 'letter of apology' to the guy...Although I dont quite think it got the dents out of his car :)

Same school and being uneducated and stupid, we use to run through puddles in the middle of winter and then have to sit in a cold classroom completely soaked. Anyway, one day I decided to get my mate and sit on his shoulders as he walked through the 'big puddle'. He walked in, tripped up and I somehow managed to jump off his shoulders and land on the other side of the puddle, he landed face first...still laugh about that today.

Two of my mates (Year 10 at the time) had a competition who could eat the most of a conefer tree. They began and my mate ate about a quarter of a banch, he instantly threw his guts up and then sat down on the floor and was spinning out; he went really cold too. We got the teacher who was a first aider and he thought he was on drugs....he asked what he'd taken and he said 'nothing, I just ate a conefer tree'...his face was a classic.

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friend got excluded for wedgeing another boy and completely ripped his boxers off.

We did that at 6th form everytime it was someone's birthday, only we actually hung them up by a hook in the wall and jumped on them til their boxxers gave. Awesome.

I've never beene exluded, 2 incidents which brought me close though, both in year 7. I kicked a kid in the balls as hard as I could because he was being a fanny about our football, and I prank called some lass and told her I was going to drown her in custard... she rang the cops who rang the school who rang my parents. Funny shit.

Had a few fights but the school never found out about it and various other little things. Mostly petty shit like ignoring teachers. Got my mate's laptop once and we watched DIRT in English. Everytime there was a big bail the entire class behind us would go "OOOOOH!" lmao! Carried on for half an hour til some silly bitch dobbed us in.

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In primary 7 ( year six ) i went to a thing called "choices for life", which is a thing that tells you not to drink and take drugs and drink, stuff like that. there was a guy who was sitting behind me and he was a right we wido. He kicked my chair a few times and i told him to stop then he pushed me off of my chair, so i jumped over the chair and burst him, then my teachers pulled me off of him. He went to the toilet in trears and i had f**ked up one of my nuckes. When i got back to school one of my teacher said " served him right, he had it comin ". The teacher that said he deserves it was Mrs Duffus, David Duffus's mum (Y) . Was a good day.

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