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School Exclusion


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possible best young expulsion?

i went to an RAF nursery/preschool somewhere around the Biggin Hill area, and there were little like play cubicles - probably about 6ft x 6ft with like dress up shit and things like that. I had been in there with a couple of people, one being a little girl that i had the 4 year old hots for (!) and everyone left to go to another room except her. Then this little guy opens the door dressed as a cowboy and points his toy gun and the girl and i punched him in the nose! Seems so funny looking back but apparently it broke and everything, and I was kicked out and my dad's dream for me was shattered. Haha.

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i wasn't that bad in school..

but some fun stuff happened nonetheless

in year 7 the bottom set french class used to make the teacher cry in the cupboard, and once locked her in there

in year 8 i think all of our yr 8s lined up against the 9's to have a battle, but nothing happened :sleeping:

we had someone shit on the toilet instead of in it, for joke, which got an inquest

in 6th form we pissed the teachers off with the windows+S function in microsoft word.

we also had people sending joke messages to everyone using netsend

we had someone flick the fuse switch on the back of a computer so it blew up

our school was pretty tame really

except for, once there was a really small kid, and someone yelled 'pile-on' and like 11 people piled on him and he got crushed to death :mellow:

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Well when i was in year 11 we wnt on the belguim trip and of caourse we all got pissed up and stoned ect...

Well i was in trouble for various things that had happened on the trip and but i bought a knife yet a which they were like little samurai swords...

I go tthem purely for ornimentel reasons and anyway our coach arrvied back at schhool at like 10 am so we all had to stay in school with our bags ect...

Well they had been told that i had some firecrackers in my bag (which i did, about 40 quids worth) and they found this knife set which was still in the wrapping with the price tag on.

I hadnt taken them out for nothing and i got booted from school from november til march when i finally won the appeal to get back in school.

My deputy head tool the knifes out of the wreapping and gave them to the police without the wrapper and i fwon my appeal because he finally decided to say that they were in the wrapper ansd he got f**ked over for that!

But i was a pain at school and i have been suspened on numerous occasions well a rough amount is about 30 times but maily for smoking and going mad at teachers.


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Last year ( 1st Year ) i Skegged ( kegged ) a boy in front of the whole school prettymuch, everyone laughed and shouted at him, he dropped his lunch on the floor and pulled his trousers up as fast as he could, was so funny. Never got excluded, never even got caught :shifty: .

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Last year ( 1st Year ) i Skegged ( kegged ) a boy in front of the whole school prettymuch, everyone laughed and shouted at him, he dropped his lunch on the floor and pulled his trousers up as fast as he could, was so funny. Never got excluded, never even got caught :shifty: .

Someones insecure about their willy!!! lol

Joking aside, kegging some kid (especially in year 7) is rather harsh

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High school, computer lessons, designed a q-basic program which automatically played the "deutschland, deutschland uber alles" anthem at every startup.Put it on the teacher's computer together with the hitler's flague as the wallpaper. Never got caught.

Never stolen anything from school.

Reading so many post with things stolen from school, now I understand why my tutor at some English food warehouse i worked for showed us how to steal things unnoticed. I was shocked.

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Someones insecure about their willy!!! lol

Joking aside, kegging some kid (especially in year 7) is rather harsh

u mean i was harsh, if you do, it served him right because he did it to me infront of the whole of S1.

Edited by mcinnes
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i got suspended for having tramlines cut into my hair and got told to stay home until it grew out , i wasn't really bothered cause i hated school anyway lol

Didn't you just keep shaving them back in like once a week, so you'd never have to go back to school. Sounds like a pretty sweet deal to me.

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Lol I remeber another funny moment.

My English teacher has polio, and we had just gone back to our English lesson after having our "Polio, Tetnis, and Dipheria booster".

He said; "Well done for having your jabs, all of you that did anyway".

Then one of my mates said without thinking; "Oh my mate didn't have his, I hope he gets polio and die's!".

Then there was an awkward silence, and he just realised what he just said.

We also have a really simple maths teacher, he's amazing with math's but he's just not a full set of crayons himself.

We used to put random items in his pocket, things like cheese, grapes and pens, and then when he pulled them out of his pocket he got confused as to why they were in there, and didn't even suspect it was us.

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I had an awesome time, got some well good memories, went skiing with my secondary school 3 years in a row, had loads of good times with my mates, just didn't feel the need to steal anything. Also my mum was a teacher at my secondary school... kinda hard to act like a fanny and steal stuff when all the teachers could just go and speak to my mum about how I was being a twat....

I'm with you on this Jon, why is everyone proud of smashing things and stealing things?

I think the most naughty thing I ever did at school was add my "tag" to a toilet door that had 2000+ on already.

I wasn't very good at school but I wasn't naughty, just couldn't be bothered (Which I now regret).

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