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School Exclusion


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A practical joke where someone pulls someone elses pants and mabye their underwear down in front of other people. Usually high school boys do this in locker rooms.(or in my case in front of everyone at sports day).

Ill let you guess what double means.

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A mate of mine got susended for a fortmight for 2 things.

1 - Took a cabinet door off and proceeded to ''surf'' down the staircases on it.

2 - Tied a long piece of string to a brick, put the brick at the top of a 3 storey flight of stairs and dangled the string down to the bottom. Head of science almost pulled it. That was the most retarded thing I'd ever seen him do, which I told him.

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Never got excluded.

Stole 24 cans of adhesive spray, loads of sketch books, paints, pens. Well, pretty much cleared the art store room in a year lol.

They only know it was me now because my brother told the teacher lol.

I was a theaving b*****d at primary school aswell, used to nick rubbers and pens lol.

Mate got excluded for having 2 bb guns in school. This was back in 1999, 1st year at high school.

All i remember was him running down the field with both guns in the air and a police man with a gun telling him to stop or he would shoot lol!

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I stole:

a full set of spanners worth 50 quid about 50 40cm legnths of alloy tube+ loads of sheet aswell, full set of drill bits, an engineers vice, a small wood work vice, a graphic drawing kit, tonnes of pens, all the text books I was ever given, a bunsen burner( the best water pistol in the world), a guitar lead, tonnes of threaded bar loads of other tools aswell and loads of stuff i can't remember

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I stole:

a full set of spanners worth 50 quid about 50 40cm legnths of alloy tube+ loads of sheet aswell, full set of drill bits, an engineers vice, a small wood work vice, a graphic drawing kit, tonnes of pens, all the text books I was ever given, a bunsen burner( the best water pistol in the world), a guitar lead, tonnes of threaded bar loads of other tools aswell and loads of stuff i can't remember

haha bloody impressive, i helped my mate get a flat screen monitor, im using a dell laser mouse and a dell kkeyboard i got almost 5 years ago, i got 2 kitchen knives we still use in my brothers bag when he wanst looking haha, would oif got a right bollocking for that too.

got tonnes of metal rules, centre punches, scribers, hammers, letter punches, etc etc

school was soooo easy :(

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lol @ people stealing test tube clamps and the like. Do you use them or did you simply sell them on for huge profit? No, of course you didn't. Most pointless theft ever. Saying that, I was a wanker at school too. One day I just wanted to piss the chemistry teacher so I broke as much glassware as I could - passing it off as an accident.

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lol @ people stealing test tube clamps and the like. Do you use them or did you simply sell them on for huge profit? No, of course you didn't. Most pointless theft ever.

Truth. Nothing quite like f**king yourself over by meaning your school has to stretch it's already tight budget to cover shit like that too.

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There's a third floor to out school where no-one is allowed. The place where they store stuff like broken chairs, old computers, tables, caretaker uniforms etc. Along with all the heating, electricity, water etc. controls. One of the doors leading upstairs was open once, me and a load of mates went up there, taking caretaker uniforms, nicking the small laptops they don't use anymore, nicking RAM and hard-drives, mice, keyboards etc. Was shit scary up there though... :P

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ive got a mate who was shagging a girl in the toilets, they skipped science to do it. a 6th former went in and found them at it, ran out screaming went and got a teacher and then the head came they were excluded for like a month. that most have been so embaresiing.

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the vices aren't as big as your thinking probs weigh about 3-4kg and they were just lying about and as for water pistol the taps in our science lab are the same fitting as the gast taps for the bunsen burners, so if you clip it on to the tap you've got a very accurate 30-40m water pistol :)

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I really did mess around alot at school with mates ermm got excluded for allways scrapping .. ermm got excluded for playing with the fire extinushers in hall spraying them at people, ermm water bombing lol good times! and snowballing class rooms ermmm climbing school roofs lol ... just general twattyness.

Fun though, im doing what i wanted to do so im happi :D

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got into a fight with a fat guy for bullying me, I have anger problems like a f**k up and i never show it until they push me to far. Made him lye on the floor and smashed a stook over his head. Bled to f**k lol

another one for fighting

one for in a french lesson rang my mom to tell her my teacher was a bitch and took my head fones off me in class.

breaking a window with my head playinga game not advisable

throwing a chair at a teacher because he said i was a mistake.

and for shouting in the re exam i hate jews

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creating an anon user name for the school network and using a notepad doc as a chat page for several people to use and abuse by putting various obsceneties on it about a number of tutors :D

got excluded for 3 days and had so much fun out riding lol

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Interesting how the majority of people in here who are talking about all the shit they used to do in high school are also the ones who don't appear to be able to write a coherent sentence ;)

Is it?

I myself had a bit of an obsession with messing up the computers, just holding down alt shift num lock or print screen, made awesome beeping noises that f**ked teachers right off, sometimes I used to rearrange keys and stuff to spell words like shit because I find that pretty funny. Stepping the game up would include maybe breaking a mouse/scratching the screen or filling the floppy disc slot with raisins/paper/pens/parts from the same computer. Eventually one thing lead to another and I managed to change the names of the printers to stuff like retard, wanker or ass bandito. Little did I know that I wasn't actually anonymous, I got caught and I said I didn't do it, even so they made me have a week of afterschool detentions in the computer rooms, I ended up doing two, in which I stole some pens, rearranged some keys and broke a mouse. The printers kept those names for a couple of months as noone knew how to change it back.

Theres so much more of a similar nature that I can't be arsed to type

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