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School Exclusion


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i had at one point a box of chalks, a clamp of some form from science, and my personal record of maybe 20 10-packs of school books, mostly in blue or yellow, but occasionally in green or red

i might still have some if anyone's interested :shifty:

.......... im guessing either A your really young or B you went to a really nice school......

Books and stuff aren't even worth nicking.... who wants a book?

My mate got a whole PC home over a period of 5days bit by bit which was pretty impressive

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.......... im guessing either A your really young or B you went to a really nice school......

Books and stuff aren't even worth nicking.... who wants a book?

My mate got a whole PC home over a period of 5days bit by bit which was pretty impressive

well, it was in year 7-9 when i nicked stuff, i'm 18 now lol

now, a whole PC, that's fkin impressive

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using my phone to put porn on the projector during class.

fighting a few times.

making noises in assemebly asking the church guy what kind of drugs he was on because I wanted some for myself if they gave you that kind of imagination, he replied "god is my drug" to hich I replied with "god is a rapist" before getting thrown out.

never got excluded for the next few but I was bloody close.

came in after a rough night still pissed and mentioned the fact that i couldn't actually read the work sheet she'd given me because I was still well drunk.

set a fire on a desk with a bunsen burner melted the roof tile above

Then the last one which is probs the harshest thing I've ever done. I got thrown out of geography for the last 6 months because of it.

a stand in teacher was shouting at me for saying her voice had given me a headache, and i randomly/jokingly said "shut up or I'll kick you in the ovaries" and she burst into tears and ran off. later I found out that she used to be a nurse and a patient attacked her and now she can't have kids :( i really wish i hadn't said that i still feel kind of guilty and thats more than a year ago now

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I naturally assume everyone has turned the gas taps on and lit them...looks like a obstical in a Mario game. Loadsa fun...and deadly too!

One of the Science teachers at our school use to randomly walk into different science lessons, pick up somebodys pencil case, fill it with gas an then set light to it.

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One of the Science teachers at our school use to randomly walk into different science lessons, pick up somebodys pencil case, fill it with gas an then set light to it.

Sounds a bit like our mental physics teacher who randomly hammered a nail through our workbooks, on top of this he was actually a leader of some political party akin to the BNP so was pretty nasty to some people. Needless to say he was sacked with a couple of months.

Also got suspended for apparently flashing my dick at some lass in primary school.

Edited by ZeroMatt
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Wasn't that a quote from Kieth Allen on Top Gear last series?

I think he might have done, I did do it but i got the "dead cat" bit from somewhere. It wasn't all that impressive because i couldn't reach high enough to change the low notes lol

G4vyn - using my phone to put porn on the projector during class.

Haha ! Rofl

This is a cool thread (Y)

[Edit] And the last time i got kicked out was when some wiredo baught a hedgehog into school to try and make the point of - You wouldn't hurt a hedgehog, why hurt eachother - (random) And this little faggot asked if he could hold it, then said do they have dieseses....At wich i stood up and screamed "You didn't say that last time you had a willy in your hand"

Edited by Pashley26
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Never got excluded but we gave three teachers nervous breakdowns, and they had to leave the school. One french teacher, one german and one science.

I miss school, alwasy nicking shit from science, our lockers were just full with all sorts of shit, bunsen burners, goggles, a few taps for some strange reason. you get the idea.... If it wasnt screwed down then somebody would blag it.

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I came close to exculsion a few times.. In year 7 everyone was buying weed of a guy in the year above and naturally the headmaster found out. We all had interviews with him and stuff about how much we bought and from who. I stayed quiet throughout the interview and was told that i would be found out. Luckily out of the 20 odd people that got caught i was the only person not to be grassed up. Popularity sure has its perks!

Then in year 8 i started a BB gun buisness. I'd take orders from other people and go into town with my bro and buy G10's and other such guns. Then i'd sell em at school for an inflated price. Made a load of scratch till one kid got his new G10 out in the playground and started shooting people. 2 weeks off detention i got. Missed out on exclusion due to my good academic records i seem to remember.

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Yeah i'd never get away with selling bb guns now, i imagine armed police and an appearance in the Sun probably. I was a nice kid though honest. Just had the bottle to make some easy money. My mum and dad weren't best pleased though and my bro got a good telling off for being an accomplice.

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I was in a cue to go up to the canteen an there was a little pykey girl behind me pushing me, I told her stop it, but she kept pushing me so I elbowed her in the face an broke her nose. Almost got done for it but I said she got pushed into my elbow. Who are they going to believe? Me (senior prefect) or the little pykey. :D Use to get away with so much being senior prefect, I was the last person they thought that'd cause agro.

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haha beautiful! this thread brings the memorys flooding back.

Got suspended for a week for getting in an arguement with my form teacher, pushing her out of the way and going home, fair few answer phone messages when i got back...

left the gas tap on over lunch, got back teacher didnt know untl a week later when a mate grassed me up, marched in front of the head and sent home for a week...

got suspended for giving a music teacher a breakdown after the entire class yelled at her, threw books at her, locked her out of the class room, stole her bag and put it out of the window, threw tables/chairs at her good times until the new head of music started (complete hitler bitch!!, got her back lol)

Getting drunk in school, got me an internal suspension, sitting on the fields with a load of mates drinking vodka and coke leftover from the weekends activities!!

loads of other generic school highjinks

Stuff i stole from school:

Test tube clamps

test tubes

bunsen burners


comp cables



food from the lunch queue

and my crowning achievement on the last day

A Bass guitar! was a fanny to get out of the building but it was worth it


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one memory of mine;

We had this teacher with a MASSIVE nose; seriously huge, and as a result everyone called him Concord. Even my dad told me about him before I went to the school (he was an ex pupil). Obviously, sat in my very first lesson with him and I couldn't stop laughing at him, though he never really picked it up.

Anyway, the years went buy and we learnt he was a big push over and we drove him to the end...running out the lessons crying on many occasions. Then one day a mate of mine went to Cyprus on Holiday, sat in the departure lounge he saw the said teacher with his boyfriend...hugging and kissing him (obessively), so my mate took a few photos on his phone...

When he got back from holiday, the teachers dignity had pretty much evaporated. Looking back on the bullying I feel pretty bad for him, it must be horrible to come to work and be humiliated day in-day out by a bunch of little bastards - who you'd probably smack if it didn't cost you your job.

Makes me laugh when I see these adverts encouraging people to take up being a Teacher...'work with the most interesting people'...Hmmm, fails to mention the bullying and constant harrassment in, and often outside of the classroom.

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i got thrown out for a few days for throwing a metal sharpener at my maths teacher, he was right willy.

my brother got done for stealing a full crate of ribenas from the canteen suppliers but then got found out as he was doing his stock check hahaha

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