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School Exclusion


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yeh got permenently kicked out about 2 months before i left school last year

went on a history trip to london, we walked out of the museum and into harrods (sp?) got a right bollocking for that

got kicked out of my collage blacement because i threw a big stick into a tree it went out the toher side and went in the heads car via a smashed sunroof

random ones...

Locked a lad in a ICT cupboard for the second half of a day.

One lad got a chunk of wood smashed over his head in the changing rooms once and the whole of our year of boys wes kept behind for like 5 hours, that was pretty savage.

One kid also got his teeth smashed out with a scafold pole...

so all in all our school was pretty nasty, we used to have police there which watched us all!

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do you mean pull their leg with the lampost in the middle of them?. They are quality if it doesnt happen to your self.


explain, i don't understand what you mean by pull the leg with the lamppost in the middle of them, sounds funny though.

What did everyone do o the last day of yr11, i want to do something memorable, its coming up.

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A group of you grab some kid, one person on each leg. You open their legs up, so they're apart and you run at the goal/basketball post slamming their balls into it.

edit: the bigger the run up the better. Gives them more time to scream.

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In assembly there were 4 people in a row in front of us so we got some paper and put "My" "mum" "is" "hot" (a word on each of there backs) and salataped it to there backs. it was very funny and the people in the rows behind us were cracking up as well. (we all got lunchtime detetions for that but was good fun.)

in primary school we got 5 frubes (those yougorts in a tube) and jumped on them all at the same time. About 15 people were covered in yougoet it was very funny!!! (again i got a lunch time detetion)

p.s i cant spell yougeort or whatever but you know what i mean

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I chucked an apple at a teacher as he walked into his cupbord, hit him straight in the back of the head, probably should of been excluded for that but the rest of the class said it was my mate so he got the shit for it, even though when we got taken to the head i owned up to it, but they still belived the rest of the class . . Other than that didn't really do much, messed around with the computers once when i got logged in as a technician.

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I chucked an apple at a teacher as he walked into his cupbord, hit him straight in the back of the head, probably should of been excluded for that but the rest of the class said it was my mate so he got the shit for it, even though when we got taken to the head i owned up to it, but they still belived the rest of the class . . Other than that didn't really do much, messed around with the computers once when i got logged in as a technician.

You just reminded me of another one, Me and a few mates were stood on the basketball courts at my school having a crafty fag, This french teachr called Madame collas began to walk up and so we all put 'em out, she comes over and gives us a lecture about smoking and tells us she can smell it on our breathes bla bla bla, she began to walk of and some one gave me an apple and said throw it at her, i wasn't going to but the courts have got a metal fence so i thought if i throw it at the fence and say i missed by accident I'd still look cool ( B) ) so i threw it, it split on the fence, 3 or 4 pieces of apple flew of and hit her, she turned around and started Shouting at me in french, Got cross-Sited for like 4 days for that :(

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What did everyone do o the last day of yr11, i want to do something memorable, its coming up.

Where i live, there's loads of farms and fields everywhere, some kids dad owns a farm,and soime of his sheep were the weapon of choice for the days festivities.

Last years year 11's at my school brought in 19 sheep, sprayed 1-20 on them but left out one number (think it was 11) within about 30 seconds, the sheep were everywhere and the year 11's and teachers had to round them up. Upon interrogation everybody said that there was 20 sheep, but sheep number 11 was nowhere to be found.

Mass search by the whole school to find a sheep. was the most random day ever. after about 5 hours, some bint explained the sitiuation, yr11's got a bollocking and we all had to go back to lessons.

Do it, cause as much disruption to your school of choice as possible. :D

Edit: havn't a clue how they got them in though.

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went on a history trip to london, we walked out of the museum and into harrods (sp?) got a right bollocking for that

chreeest mon! i guess you either went to the natural history museum, or the V&A, in which case...harrods is actually quite far away- good 10minute walk! good effort...(Y)

i threw all the white board pens out the window...teacher couldnt write anything...very very pissed off :P

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Water and flour is puerile and lame, and I'm pretty sure I have heard the sheep story at least 3 times of completely different people. One of the best pranks I have ever herd of was directing traffic into the school just before rush hour, causes havoc. Also putting bricks/wood underneath the Head's car axle so that the wheels producing drive are a couple of mm of the ground, so when he tries to accelerate his car will not move, but it looks fine from the outside.

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Water and flour is puerile and lame, and I'm pretty sure I have heard the sheep story at least 3 times of completely different people. One of the best pranks I have ever herd of was directing traffic into the school just before rush hour, causes havoc. Also putting bricks/wood underneath the Head's car axle so that the wheels producing drive are a couple of mm of the ground, so when he tries to accelerate his car will not move, but it looks fine from the outside.

My brother went to a school on a corner of a very busy area in London. The entrace/exit of the school cut the corner, so they blocked off the main road and directed all the traffic through the school.

They also used weed killer to write 'Lennon [the headmaster] is a lemon' on the bank which was right outside his office.

Our school was pretty boring, and our last day was on the same day as the funeral for one of the old dudes who worked there who was a bit of a legend. So we couldn't do too much out of respect.

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My mate asked a teacher who old they were, and he immediately sent him out and gave him a detention.

Related to a college placement, we had a college taster day, one of the taster courses being media, this is a result of one of our videos.

Youtube Video -> Original Video

I think we really gave the college staff a good impression. =D

EDIT: Yes that is me on the bike.

And the car at the end is one of the kids in my year being taken home for fighting on college premises.


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