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School Exclusion


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I remember when we had to wait for our tutor in the mornings (always turned up late)

We had a teacher like that once too. Apart from one day he was really late and came skidding into the car park at about half 9. Anyway, being in such a rush he didn't notice that he'd sped into the parking space and the porno mag under his seat shot out into clear view.

Another time we had this RAF helicopter land on the school playing fields. It was basically like a work experience for the RAF and people got to fly in the helicopter...our year never got to do it, but the year before it landed on the field, completely unexpected for most of us (as you'd imagine).

We gather around and watched and some teachers came out and said 'Go to your lesson now! Theres nothing to see!'...some people actually got detentions for refusing. Good old teachers, eh?

By the way, did anyone have those f**king RM Computers at school?

Edited by anzo
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By the way, did anyone have those f**king RM Computers at school?

Ohhhh yeahhh.

Many a thing that should probably get me excluded, but most were done in 6th form.

Erm, the main thing is the zipped exe exploit, basically, any money your school blocks exes from opening by completely blocking the file type, all you have to do is put the exe in a zipped file and cos zipped files make a temp in the C drive, it will open no problems. If they blocked that, no comps would work so that's probably one of the biggest flaws in RM.

Also know the bios pass for RM computers. Guess what it is? PM if you want it anyone...

Me and a mate set up a proxy, passworded so whoever wants to block it can't tell what it is. It was blocked at one stage, by the local thingy, not the school, all i did was click to report it and an hour later it was back up because they couldn't prove it was a proxy :P.

Using a pass cracker on the dual core PCs in the ICT block was a goodun too, found out at least 30 peoples passwords in a short period of time, including at least 5 teachers pass'

Aforementioned mates mate is a dodgy hacker from Ethiopia, he made a small app to basically download things that the school blocked, such as .mp3 files etc. We used that quite a bit.

Things that aren't to do with RM:

Threw a snowball at the head in year 7, but he was sort of safe and just asked my name, and said don't do it again lol.

Hmm, there were a few other things, but i've never been excluded, just had quite a few detentions mainly for not doing homework, just can't remember them right now.

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Shit, i forgot the most recent biggest one ever.

Basically, cos i knew about the exe zip exploit, i went on the look for a portable msn that was packaged, instead of it having loads of extension files, now, thanks to me, the whole school has MSN, at first it was just me and a mate who was there when i did it, but now i think everyone in the school of 1000 people has it.

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wow no wonder ur such a hit with the ladies...

Me and a big gang of my mates ripped wardobe out of a rooom, and used it sleigh down hills in the snow :S

my freinds to the time to pull down and completly destroy all the roof tiles in one of my classes:S

snook in to the teachers lounge and spent the entire afternoon trying to steal stuff with out getting caught

eventually i got put on a behavoir contract then has to sign some stuff with a police witness, basicly saying if i i did anything bad, i got chucked out

so i was geting chucked out of skool 3 times a week :S

good times.

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year 11, got excluded for 3 weeks for bunking, around 20-25 hours a week for 4 months before they done anything about it.

and also for fighting, i smacked some twat because he didnt want to shut the door. it was 7.30 in registration and i was well tired and he didnt listen >_< i'd well do it again!

and got caught blazing a bob marley next to the principals car and him n his wife who was his secretary caught us!

well good. i miss school

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Makes me laugh when I see these adverts encouraging people to take up being a Teacher...'work with the most interesting people'...Hmmm, fails to mention the bullying and constant harrassment in, and often outside of the classroom.

My missus is studying to be a teacher, primary though. She's said there's absolutely no way she'd go any older, because once they get to senior school they start becoming absolute bastards.

I reckon it'd be alright for her though, she'd be a bit of a "TILF" haha

climbing school roofs lol ...

Fun though, im doing what i wanted to do so im happi :D

ha Me and Dan Ko were climbing our 6th form during study leave in our "casual" clothes. We were just mucking about on the top when we see the f**king headteacher walking towards the minibus in plain sight of us! Needless to say we hit the deck fast and crawled around the side sharpish!

and got caught blazing a bob marley next to the principals car and him n his wife who was his secretary caught us!


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I got strangled and held against a wall in year 6 by this kid who bullied me (for 11 years all together) and my headmaster said he would have to suspend me for a day, but it never happened.

I was good at school. I've never seen the point in being a fanny, doesn't really get you anywhere.

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My missus is studying to be a teacher, primary though. She's said there's absolutely no way she'd go any older, because once they get to senior school they start becoming absolute bastards.

Good god, don't know if it's just my area but some of the kids at primary schools around here are as bad as the fools in high school, even in my nieces class (she's 7) there's kids that tell the teachers to f**k off and stuff. And you hear about little kids hitting there teachers.

I was a good boy in school though :D except in year 11 when me and a few mates bobbed pretty much every lesson because the teachers just sat us in the class and didn't do f**k all with us, so we used to go across the fields with our air rifles and have a few sessions...Never got found out til labout 2 weeks before I left school and my mum had a phone call about my abscenses (spelling) of course my mum didn't know anything about it, she asked me about it so I denied it and said I'd go see the woman who called tomorrow (I didn't and I heard nothing of it again). In about year 8/9 we had a maths teacher called Mr Parker, he was soft as shit so people used to chuck pens and the board rubber at him and throw desks and tables around the class, and he was walking across the class with the big poles that they use to open the windows and some lad tripped him so he put the pole right through the window, not long after that he ended up having a nervous breakdown and we never saw him again. I didn't mis-behave in school though, I just didn't really do anything.

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Our school did a computer recognition with the register...bit like a multiple choice exam marking. And if it saw you were absent, it automatically called your parents with an automated message saying 'You son/daughter was absent from _______ on the ______. Creepy eh? I think it text mobiles phones too!

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I got strangled and held against a wall in year 6 by this kid who bullied me (for 11 years all together) and my headmaster said he would have to suspend me for a day, but it never happened.

I was good at school. I've never seen the point in being a fanny, doesn't really get you anywhere.

we all had fun

apparently u didnt.

Edited by Davetrials
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While your at school, everyone is telling you how shit work is and how much they miss school, but you know that one day you will have to leave the school and get a job. So is it not worth having as much fun as possible while your there.

i'm not suggesting anyone who is at school should sacrafice getting grades in favour of having a laugh but school takes up 10-15 years of your life so why not make the most of them.

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we all had fun

apparently u didnt.

I had an awesome time, got some well good memories, went skiing with my secondary school 3 years in a row, had loads of good times with my mates, just didn't feel the need to steal anything. Also my mum was a teacher at my secondary school... kinda hard to act like a fanny and steal stuff when all the teachers could just go and speak to my mum about how I was being a twat....

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I had an awesome time, got some well good memories, went skiing with my secondary school 3 years in a row, had loads of good times with my mates, just didn't feel the need to steal anything. Also my mum was a teacher at my secondary school... kinda hard to act like a fanny and steal stuff when all the teachers could just go and speak to my mum about how I was being a twat....

This guys mum was a teacher and everyone use to make up so much shit that her son apparently did, was quite funny.

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Ah, you had it tough there Jon, must be a b*****d to have you mum at school and then again when you get back home. Did she ever teach you in any lessons?

I loved school, not at the time...but looking back it was easy. I always have to laugh when I see people now at school and they're complaining how they have to stay at school until 3pm EVERYDAY!

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This guys mum was a teacher and everyone use to make up so much shit that her son apparently did, was quite funny.

Haha I was quite lucky to have an older sister at the school, and most of my friends were at least 1 or 2 years older than me, so no one ever made up any shit about me.

Ah, you had it tough there Jon, must be a b*****d to have you mum at school and then again when you get back home. Did she ever teach you in any lessons?

I loved school, not at the time...but looking back it was easy. I always have to laugh when I see people now at school and they're complaining how they have to stay at school until 3pm EVERYDAY!

Yeah, she was a DT teacher so she only ever taught me then, but cos I was in the DT room so much I could use all the equipment even in year 7 so when the kids were slowly sawing their way through blocks of wood to make their toy cars I was there zipping through mine on the bandsaw :P had it's advantages, plus I didn't have to listen to anything she said cos I knew it all anyway.

Yeah people complain about school but they don't realise how easy it is, yeah you have to wear uniform and you have to be in 9-3, but it's hardly a long day, you get to hang out with your mates all day and there's nothing better to be doing anyway, not in the winter cos it's too cold, then when it starts getting warm enough to ride the afternoons are sunny until about 6-7 anyway so you can get in a few hours after school!

Saying that, I now have university for 15 minutes a week, one tutorial, and that's it :(

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