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Broadband Connection Issue - No Dsl Light

Tony Harrison

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At some point overnight on Saturday, my broadband connection stopped working. The modem appears unconnected - the DSL and Internet lights aren't lit. I've tried connecting to the phone jack with different wiring, but no luck. I phone bethere.co.uk and they did a test and said as far as they can see, everything is ok, but it would help if I could turn on the modem and ring them back (I'm at work, and I forgot to turn it on this morning).

Any ideas what the problem could be? Does this mean there's no dial tone/connection, or just that the modem can't syncronise with the DSL? Every now and then the modem tries to, and the DSL light flashed for half a minute or so, but fails.

I get the feeling this could be one of those problems that's going to drive me mad...

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I had the same problem with my TalkTalk connection, I called them up and 1st Line did that "check" and fobbed me off, then I forced them to escalate me to 2nd line and they did a lot of tests and still found nothing. Then they increased the line power and it worked eventually, with a 2MB increase in speed too...

I don't think there's much you can do at your end, you just have to hope they fix it/it fixes it's self!

Edit: The BT test socket did nothing for me, but it's worth a try!

Edited by UrbanPoet
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