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Why Did U Start Trials?

stunt man t

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hey people!!!

just bin riding notts, got home, checked the forum and thought of sumthing

(thanks to a stupid girl shouting her mouth off at me)

as i was hoping down a ledge she shouts

"is there any need?"

"stop showing off!"

i no she probably dont no about trials for her to shout that.

which made me think??

y did people start trials in the first place and how did they found out about it?

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Well, i knew about trials for a while (my brother use to do it on a scott !oldeskool!) but i really got into it cus of a friend. I had always been intregued but liked my hardtails too much :D then a nasty fall doing some downhill made me look for an alternative, sold up and here i am now a couple of months later loving it. It is really interesting to see hwo different sports help one another, go hand in hand (i use to do some street shizzle)

(Y) My lil story anyone else?


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I didn't know that trial with bicycle existed, and I wanted to do something else that no other could do in my town. So i started learn to hold the balance and swing around with locked brakes and hopping on the rear wheel with my full suspension bike. Then it was a kid that told me about bicycle trials and I checked it out on the internet and found a forum from Poland with some vids and started to look for a trial bike. Now I've been riding trials for almost 2 years and spent way to much money on bicycles.

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i saw ot pi doing a demo at shefield arena trial on video, thought his bmx looked a bit strange so i got a 32 tooth front ring on mine and started jumpin off stuff, then i had a jump bike with a bash ring on, and a few of us at school started jumping off stuff,

then i met danny butler and he actually had a trials bike, soon as i saved up enough cash i bought one, and thatd it really,

what a nice story!!


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I started back in 1996 on a Raleigh Gritstone (First MTB I bought - hi tensile steel, rigid fork, 21 gears, canti brakes...). My house was one of the first to be finished in its estate, so I spent a lot of time riding over pallets, blocks and all sorts of other stuff in the building site around the house. A year or two later I discovered trials as a sport existed...

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Used to go and watch my dad ride moto trials for the local club and I saw the odd guy or girl hopping up stuff, but when i saw someone else do it it looked really hard and I wanted to do it and now 8 months on Im hell of alot better than the guys are saw... Oh yer and Id just like to say about this guy i know, right hes a proppa badass got expelled from school and so on and when he used to come home from school hed just be a gay and like piss around on streets, causing mischief and that. But for his birthday his mum got him a cycle trials and like its changed his life (sounds dumb but it propper has) totally has, all he thinks about is trials, wouldnt even dare do mischief or owt cause trials is amazing. So when he comes home gets dressed and hes off out on thee bike.

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My dad got me a bike when I was about 10, Didn't like going round the rocks, SO i went over them, That was on a Specalized Rockhopper 24 inch. Out grew that and got a xc/jump bike thing, and Started doing hops on that. My dad had a mate, whos some rode Trials. So I started riding with him..

Thanks to my dad really!!!

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i got bored of riding my saracen x-ile around the city centre until i found a decent jump to try.

one day i need some new bits for my bike so i went to supercycles to see if i could get some parts to fix my bike but they said it was f***ed. so i asked them how much there cheapest bike was?

they showed me the onza t-vee, and i bought it!

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i got fed up with mtb and dirt jumping so looked around on ebay then thought i wonder if there is a forum out there,i came on here and think its great nobody close to me rides trials.all my mates are all into mtb they think its strange but i think its the best thing out,nothing like a trials bike :rolleyes:

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