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What Should Beginners Practice?


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Hello trials newbies and monkeys,

I'm just wondering what I should be practicing and in what order.... my suggestion is the following......

Bunnhops/EndosBackhoppingWheelies/manuals/stoppiesPedal kickGapsGetting up stuffFront hoppingCombination of all

What do you guys reckon? Im not sure as I can backhop, and do small pedal kicks... but I have come to a dead end and seem a bit stuck :(

What should I be doing next? should I just be trying to do bigger and bigger pedal kicks?

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you need to do good trackstands (balancing on 2 wheels) i think thats is the fundamental of trials, every move/line will be starting off from a trackstand, in between 'tricks' (if thats what you want to call them) to regain balance etc.

but following that stuff like bunnyhops, backhop, kick hop (gap) then move on to something like pedal hop.

go buy yourself a copy of tricks and stunts as well. really good stuff in there and everything's in order ;)


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Hello trials newbies and monkeys,

I'm just wondering what I should be practicing and in what order.... my suggestion is the following......

Bunnhops/EndosBackhoppingWheelies/manuals/stoppiesPedal kickGapsGetting up stuffFront hoppingCombination of all

What do you guys reckon? Im not sure as I can backhop, and do small pedal kicks... but I have come to a dead end and seem a bit stuck :(

What should I be doing next? should I just be trying to do bigger and bigger pedal kicks?

Do frickin everything, anything that takes your fancy, just try not to use the bash plate, makes you a much better rider.

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Get in the habit of treating everything you ride as a section. If you dab don't get off the bike and start over keep going like you are in a comp.

There is almost always more than 1 way to approach an obstacle try different moves to see what moves are more stable and less likely to rusult in a dab

Practice rolling up and down steep obstacles.

practice pivoting on just the front then just the rear wheel. I like to use a cinder block and pivot from the ground up to the block and back down the other side then back the other way.

Try to ride on uneven surfaces as much as possible like logs and rocks, if they are slightly unstable (but safe) that's even better. If you ride natural then square urban obstacles will be very easy for you.

If you are comfortable doing a move to one side, then try it to the other side.

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The more you ride, the more confidence you get on your bike.

Dont really matter what order you learn stuff in, just get the hours down. And dont go mega straight away! You can spend plenty of time on a kerb, or a pallet or a small foot high wall. The gradually work up. In all honesty though, i find it easier twisting off bigger stuff.

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Hello trials newbies and monkeys,

I'm just wondering what I should be practicing and in what order.... my suggestion is the following......

Bunnhops/EndosBackhoppingWheelies/manuals/stoppiesPedal kickGapsGetting up stuffFront hoppingCombination of all

What do you guys reckon? Im not sure as I can backhop, and do small pedal kicks... but I have come to a dead end and seem a bit stuck :(

What should I be doing next? should I just be trying to do bigger and bigger pedal kicks?

First!! Learn to balance, practice getting the front end up , hopping or rocking (basic balancing), learn how to control the bike with braking etc etc

But all you need to do really is watch some vids ( The ryan leech ones are the best or visit www.trashzen.com ) and just keep on trying, Cos practice makes perfect mate (Y)

oli xx
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Hello trials newbies and monkeys,

I'm just wondering what I should be practicing and in what order.... my suggestion is the following......

Bunnhops/EndosBackhoppingWheelies/manuals/stoppiesPedal kickGapsGetting up stuffFront hoppingCombination of all

What do you guys reckon? Im not sure as I can backhop, and do small pedal kicks... but I have come to a dead end and seem a bit stuck :(

What should I be doing next? should I just be trying to do bigger and bigger pedal kicks?

the best way i find is to try and do it all that way you get good at it all not just one thing


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Thanks for the advice and encouragement everyone....

been out this weekend and managed to pedal kick off a small drop.

Cant say I was amazed about it, but I guess its a start. :mellow:

I need to look at pedal kicking up stuff. As at the moment I can get some distance, but no height :blink:

Ive watched videos but any more advice there would be good..........

Looking forward to getting validated and for longer daylight though so can practise on weekdays! :rolleyes:

Edited by Chandler
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