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i was wondering if trials attracted a more clever following than other sports...

Yeah, of course. You are way more clever than anyone who plays other sports, for example, Badminton is a sport populated by thickies and nincompoops. I hope you don't play Badminton otherwise you become stupid.

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Yeah, of course. You are way more clever than anyone who plays other sports, for example, Badminton is a sport populated by thickies and nincompoops. I hope you don't play Badminton otherwise you become stupid.

erm, as stupid as this may seem, (especially considering nmc)

but i wouldnt be suprised if trials has people with a higher than average iq.

several reasons for this.

1) trials as a discipline, is fairly complex, to do anything in trials, requires dexterity and co-ordination. in the way that with a badminton racket(using your example here) requires you to move around a court(well half a court), and use one hand to make one object hit another. one item is involved. but in trials, think when your learning to pedal hop, your doing about 4 things at once. (kicking the pedals,releasing the brake, jumping with your legs and moving your body forwards) and then about 1/2 a second later, youve got to do 3 more(your re applying a brake, bending your legs, extending the bars) then rinsing and repeating.

your controlling several different things with several different body parts, which all need to be timed perfect, along with judging power, and angle etc of several things. it doesnt seem like it now, its second nature, but when you where learning i bet you kicked with the brakes on a load of times, then in an attempt to level it out, you let the brake off to early and rolled out. i know i certainly did.

surely this multi tasking, and complexity of it, means your working more bits of your brain, and then its a case of either a) an individuals brain wouldnt let them perform the move successfully or B) the individuals brain would adapt to the task.

2) trials is not a cheap sport, no one on here is poor,(uni being skint is not being poor, youve got enough money to go to uni) i think its safe to say, that a tiny minority of people on here, if any, were born into a family with 2 dole seeking parents,wearing hand me downs and not being able to afford to eat. which tends to mean we where at least encouraged to achieve something at school, rather than spend our youth pikeying fags and food from the corner shop for mum and dad. and those that where born into that, have done something about it and got on in life, meaning there not the dumbest.


everyone on here is computer literate,(although many arent literate)

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