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Pidgeon Thread/competiton


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Well there was the thread not so long ago about a competition with the most things you could do on a wall. I dent keep track of it much but it seemed abit of a flop as people couldnt be bothered to go and make a video. Thought this might be a good idea as it would be just one clip so not much effort involved.

So people who arnt at such a good level as others arnt detered from posting up there efforts thought it would be good to have it as a thread where people just post up there efforts and people can compare and shizzle. And also it can be a competition aswell for the competitive people.

By pidgeon i mean when you put your front wheel on a wall and back wheel on the ground and are static and throw your body weight up and land on back wheel on the wall. Seeing as people found floors (sure thats spelt diff) you cant have it where your hooked on a slanted or vert wall unless you do it striaght up to back wheel and dont roll it.

Rules for the competitive bastards :P

must measure it

you cant do it rolling obviously

you dont have to land it on backwheel and hold it just also long you dont slip onto your bash.

and iolo isnt aloud to enter

it doesnt count where you dangle on a vertical wall with your front wheel hooked over and roll it to wheels. unless you can go striaght up to back wheel without rolling it in anyway on front wheel it doesnt count

cant think of owt else, if you dont like the idea say im not arsed

Edited by basher
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how can you measure it if you're not touching the floor?

i wanna see an iolo

welllllll i duno lol obviously then if your doing a slanted wall where your hooked you cant enter it in the comp, thats sloved that. And if your on about how damon watson and crew ect have been hooking vertical walls and rolling them to wheels that doesnt count.

Edited by basher
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If you can do it on a vertical wall and keep it, as a lot of people can, how can the move get any harder?

The only bit that can get harder is the bit where you jump off the floor and attempt to slam into the wall and not fall off.

So really, it should be a biggest slap thread, where you have to measure it from the floor, and it has to be vertical.

Edited by El Muelio
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If you can do it on a vertical wall and keep it, as a lot of people can, how can the move get any harder?

The only bit that can get harder is the bit where you jump off the floor and attempt to slam into the wall and not fall off.

So really, it should be a biggest slap thread, where you have to measure it from the floor, and it has to be vertical.

you talking about what damon watson neil tunni and have been doing in there latest videos where they dangle from the floor hooked on vert wall? if so ill change the rules because thats not allowed for the comp then as it isnt really a pidgeon is it. and it can get harder as there gets to a stage where instead of having your fornt wheel on the wall you have to it on the very edge as your bike isnt long enough.

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As a side feature there should be a comp for the highest strato-dab... :D

That is a plan B)

You mean wheelswaps? :ermm:

Like, front wheel on top, backwheel on the floor, then you up to backwheel without kicking?

I've done as high as my bike will let me... ^_^

Me too.. and now i ride a short.

I prefer to do them on rocks or weird walls etc.. So its abit harder than finding a wall and doing it.. Get me? Or am i talking shit?

Edited by sidehop
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