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Urban mammoth

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Out of all the films on at the cinema, none of them look decent. is this year going to be the year of shit films? better not be!

si-man, go see/download no country for old men(dvd screeners been out a while) its an absolutely sick film, a little slow in a few places, but i think youll love the violence in it.

aint seen cloverfield yet, may watch it in a couple of days.

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si-man, go see/download no country for old men(dvd screeners been out a while) its an absolutely sick film, a little slow in a few places, but i think youll love the violence in it.

aint seen cloverfield yet, may watch it in a couple of days.

From what I know, this is Definately a Si-man kinda film, I loved every second of it.
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I recommend "No Country for Old Men" as one of the best films I've seen over the last couple of years and that's currently at the cinema. It's essentially a thriller with an intelligent message. Always a gamble though, especially as it is somewhat unconventional it certain respects.

The cloverfield trailer does look quite cool though.

Coen Bros. > everything?

Everyone I know who've seen Cloverfield say its pretty awful. I'd like to see it, because I heard pretty much the same about I Am Legend too, which I also haven't seen.

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I literally can't understand how people don't like Cloverfield! The story is great, the acting is great, the filming and everything is really original and well done and the special effects are incredible.

Were we watching the same film? :turned:

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I literally can't understand how people don't like Cloverfield! The story is great, the acting is great, the filming and everything is really original and well done and the special effects are incredible.

There isn't a story, its just a representation of the viewpoint of one of the people alongside the main character. There is no real beginning and no real end. Its just the way you'd expect to live through a disaster situation like that, you wouldn't know what was happening until it happened.

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si-man, go see/download no country for old men(dvd screeners been out a while) its an absolutely sick film, a little slow in a few places, but i think youll love the violence in it.

aint seen cloverfield yet, may watch it in a couple of days.

Going to go see that i think. The main character nutter killer looks like a proper psycopath, i like.

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There isn't a story, its just a representation of the viewpoint of one of the people alongside the main character. There is no real beginning and no real end. Its just the way you'd expect to live through a disaster situation like that, you wouldn't know what was happening until it happened.

reading that, you just made me like the film a LOT more.

i always thought of it as i really wanna know what the hell is goin on, but if you think of it as, thats how someone would live through a disaster like that, then its actually quite good.

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But the problem is you are thinking of it as a monster film, you are wanting to know more about the monster, when the film is not so much about a monster than about characters relationships through the *confusion <-key* of the attack. There is more to find out about Cloverfield, and I assume that's going to be explored in the second film. Not all stories should be spoon fed to you, it adds to the atmosphere of the film. When you talk about no beginning or end, I assume you mean there is not much backstory of the characters? I like the way it leaves it to the imagination.

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There isn't a story, its just a representation of the viewpoint of one of the people alongside the main character. There is no real beginning and no real end. Its just the way you'd expect to live through a disaster situation like that, you wouldn't know what was happening until it happened.

thats what i really liked about it, have been waiting for it to come out for round a year , endings abit gash though . could of used a news report insted of what they did , imo its worth the money but then again i said that about i am legend

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But the problem is you are thinking of it as a monster film, you are wanting to know more about the monster, when the film is not so much about a monster than about characters relationships through the *confusion <-key* of the attack. There is more to find out about Cloverfield, and I assume that's going to be explored in the second film. Not all stories should be spoon fed to you, it adds to the atmosphere of the film. When you talk about no beginning or end, I assume you mean there is not much backstory of the characters? I like the way it leaves it to the imagination.

Who said there was going to be a second one? :huh:

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Good stuff

Relatively entertaining

Bad stuff

* The fact that any of them turned around and went back to save her in the first place.

Run one way for a chance of survival or run the other for certain death. Tough one.

Ok maybe just maybe the main character might go for it because he did sleep with her once and she does have a good body! But as for the others. I couldn't care less if the others were mates. One look at a 200ft monster ripping down buildings willy nilly and there is only one way you would run. One of them that went back was even a randomer who barely knew them!

* Characters that are severely injured one minute then a few scenes later they are able to sprint like a 100m Olympic champion.


All of them surviving the helicopter crash. Bollocks! Not since watching Bruce Willis jump around from wing to wing of a fighter plane in flight in Die Hard 4 have I seen something so laughable.

* Irritating American characters who I couldn't care less about. Especially the bird with short hair!

* When they both shout 'I love you' to each other - a new contender for the cheesiest moment in cinematic history?

* The camera work is just distracting and while it works well in parts it is annoying for the rest (and most) of it.


How easily they managed to rescue her out of a building that looked like it would collapse if you sneezed near it.

I could go on but I think I have ranted enough.

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I actually enjoyed the way it was made, the idea behind it being a recording from a tape. It was fairly realistic apart from the points mentioned above but i really think they could have used something else rather than a monster. It was just a bit gay, and it looked gay. I'd have much preferred not to know what is causing all the havoc. Didn't follow the viral marketing stuff at all, saw a trailer the day before and decided with my missus to go and see it. Don't regret doing so.

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