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Power Hops

shogun rider

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does anybody know of a website where i can get trial bike parts without giving away bank details. 1 where i can pay when they come to my doorstep kind of thing.

i would really much be pleased if there is

No. dont think there is any online shop like that....best bet Local bike shop

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well when you lean back and your bike comes from underneath you, that means you are leaning back too far so lean back a bit less

well if your back tyre is thick that should mean you have more to balance on

and your bike is quite heavy

i can only du bout 3 on youre bike shane because its so heavy and it tiers you real quick

No. dont think there is any online shop like that....best bet Local bike shop

the local bike shop in gainsborough is too dear isnt it shane

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power hoppings hard for me and i think its because of my back tyre or my upper body stregnth i dont lift my weight backwards enough im told anybody else have any ideas

what exactly do you mean by power hop? might make helping you a little easier. by the sonds of it your tyre is fine, its propbably more to do with your technique. so explain exactly what you trying to do and whats not going right.

wen u go to kik poosh all your body to the frunt of the bike and lift then it shood be esya (Y)

really suggest you use a spell checker of some description, or just take a little longer over your posts and check them yourself, your get validated much sooner if your spelling is good, because what your trying to say is relevant.

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a power hop is where you bounce on the back tyre basically and im lean to far back or pushing to much weight to the front.

i can make the stance but jost cant lift of the ground. the most i've lifted off the ground is about 4 inches..lol

a power hop is basically bouncing on the back tyre.

ive been taught by a closest pal and he says i lean too far back or im pushing to far forward but when i do get in posistion i can only hop about 4 inches off the ground one tim im just not lifting up enough.

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a power hop is where you bounce on the back tyre basically and im lean to far back or pushing to much weight to the front.

i can make the stance but jost cant lift of the ground. the most i've lifted off the ground is about 4 inches..lol

a power hop is basically bouncing on the back tyre.

ive been taught by a closest pal and he says i lean too far back or im pushing to far forward but when i do get in posistion i can only hop about 4 inches off the ground one tim im just not lifting up enough.

if you're doing backhops (bouncing on the backwheel in place) then you don't need to do it high, just well balanced. It's pedalkicks (forwards hops on back wheel) where you want anything like distance or height

as for getting the balance to do it many times, practise practise practise practise practise practise practise practise practise practise practise practise practise and more practise

Edited by Disasterboy
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Just make sure that your pedals are in the right place when you push off. Not too high, but not horizontal either.

And push your body forwards then upwards to gain the most distance and height.

And yeah - practice :D

Edited by Andaba
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