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Rite i have Paid for a echo 05 rim wich is thinner than my echo 07 rim.......my deng callipers are in the hole way on my 07 rim so when i put my 05 rim on the pads wont be no were near the rim...i need some help what to do and dont just say buy a new rim lol i want the 05 rim on and the deng callipers soo need a solution? Please help guys cheers :D

Edited by Mod-Mike
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course it will fit people used them fine throughout 05 and years before when uber wide rims wernt kicking about. And if someone says well denguras werntround then and they have smaller calipers well i used that rim and didnt have to have calipers anywhere near all ways in with a magura.

If your pads are pritty worn then might be time to replace them as you would get this problem with most set ups if your pads are worn alot. Also try getting tensile offset mounts. And give you brake a fresh bleed so that you can use you tpa to get any extra adjustment if needed. You should b ok though with offset mounts and pads with a nice amount of material on them for sure.

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Yeh was thinking of them but someone said they were pretty shit with deng callipers and they snap easy :S

I've got the tensile offsets front and back, been riding 9 months and (i no this is going to jinx them) they haven't snapped,

and theres no loss in clamping power (due to them being the shape that they are, i always imagined there would of been)

If they mean you can run your desired rim, you should definatly buy a pair.

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I've got the tensile offsets front and back, been riding 9 months and (i no this is going to jinx them) they haven't snapped,

and theres no loss in clamping power (due to them being the shape that they are, i always imagined there would of been)

If they mean you can run your desired rim, you should definatly buy a pair.

I had a set on the front :D the lad i sold them too would swap them for my Gu ones that i paid £6 for il try that :D

Edit how stiff are the tensiles compared to my Gu ones?

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I had the same problem but my rim was to wide.

Use off-set mounts and point em inwards.

Will work like a dream.

Hope this helps mike.


Ok mate :D was thinkng of that but just wanted to see if anyone else had some idea's :D

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