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Big Sidehops

stunt man t

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the best post ever by El Muelio

dont worry yourself about just one move! trials is about progression and enjoying riding, dont be stuck at one wall all night trying to jump up it sideways, do different things.

i dont understand why people have this "vivid" image that trials is all about sidehopping, its just like a pogo fest! the quicker the sport gets over people sidehopping 56 inches to two wheels the better, yes i give it one thing "its impressive" but god damn it you never come across a straight edged wall and get told to "sidehop that or your life ends"

if you really are getting pi$$ed off with riding the trials bike just because you cant sidehop, id seriously consider taking up bowls or something. (not the 10 pin type though! thats way too fun)


PS im only having a laugh with you all, but honestly "trials does not evolve around 1 move" like El Muelio says, can anyone actually ride there bike forwards? and pull schweet moves?

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Some people are born to do it and others not. I made about 3 pallets after a few tries for the first time ever doing side hops. That was with my Onza t-bird. I did them to the right, soon I was up on 4 pallets after only... two weeks I think(from when I started riding trial). Forward was a little scary because of the higher speed but using the bashguard i made 8 pallets. After 2 months I bought a 26" and I don't remember when but now I sidehop to the left and can't do more then 2 pallets to right but I do about 6 to the left. Forward I don't make more then 4 pallets.

Start with 1 or 2 pallets and try both sides and see which one works best. I think it's more difficult to stand on the rearwheel and jump up, I don't get side movement so i stand on both wheel and making a half pedal rotation up to the rearwheel(no hop up to the rearwheel) directly jump up and land with the front wheel first. I have a little speed as I did a half pedal rotation and I'm using that speed to brake with the frontwheel and lifting the rearwheel up.

You may not have found your way to do it yet so don't get stuck on one technique, try different things.

Edited by Henrik Y
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After 2 blue pallets being my record for ages.

I practiced side-hopping all day until i could 4 blue pallets!

And then i wanted to progress more the next day but broke my foot!

All im trying to say is get to grips your with technique, and then go use it on bigger things than your capability and half the time you'll sucseed.

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As Muel said don't just focus on side hopping. Once you have a good feel of the bike and how it handles you will gain confidence and start to experiment with different moves eg sidehop, then it will come more naturally rather than forcing yourself to side hop and getting up tight about finding it differcuilt.

I find picturing a move in my head helps me when it comes to trying it.


Edited by Koxx_Nath.C
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trials is about mastering obstacles. Having big sidehops down on your skill list is great, but I personally (can't sidehop, but) enjoy going up things forwards, and if i can't get to an obstacle forwards, maybe i can get to it from another obstacle.

not that i can actually ride trials yet...

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I don't understand some people.

How can you not "Dare" to go for a bigger sidehop ?

It's not like you can exactly hurt yourself.

Just get up the wall in a sidewards motion. Do whatever it takes. Remember, your in control of that bike, that bike doesn't control you. Give it some abuse, don't be scared of hurting yourself (even though you wotn on a side), no pain no gain, also sctraching your bike, f**k it. Thats what you paid a shit load of money for, something that can take some abuse.

I don't care if i know i can't make a sidehop, i'll keep f**king trying untill i get it, unless i get to a stage where i am that tired i can't move. But seriously, just get your head in the game. If you really wanna' learn this sidehop thing. Your gonna'a have to focus. Put everything else out your head and just focus on getting you and your bike up that damn wall.

It's not all about technique or ability at first. Its' about commitment. If you wanna' do something SO much. In the end, you will do it.

Im currently hitting 47-48" with my side's. Im well happy with that height. So i've lay off the sidehops now. Got my technique and everything mastered for them. Its took me over a good year to find my right technique and master my sidehops but i got there

Moving onto front wheel gaps and gapping all together now cause thats always been my downside, I'll get at a decent distance with them soon. Once ive mastered them. I'll move onto something else im not that good at etc.

Just remember what i said.

Tucking also...Helps SO much.

Just don't put all your focus on the tuck though. Make sure you give it some beans.

Im sure you'l get along fine :)


Edited by Danny Kearns
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What about taps Danny ;) muhahaha

I've recently hit 45" after being stuck in the low 40s for months mostly thanks to learning to coordinate my tuck properly. Feels so good (Y)

Practic is aaaallll you can do unfortunately. There's only so much you can learn off of other people and watching yourself.

Edited by Shaun H
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If you can only sidehop 2 foot and dont have the knowlage on how to get higher, than id say your relatively new to riding and still havent masterd the basics, then u saw a damon video or somthing and thort OMGZ!!!!!11oneneoelevz how do i do that, the plain simple answer is, you cant, you never will go that high, its depressing but its gonan take years for you get an extra foot, but in those years all you will have done is learn to sidehop, and youll have no style what so ever and be another one of these bad jocks who makes everybody sick.

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the way i do them is get the bike on rear wheel...pause....one hop shoot down to your rear wheel......kick them dam pedals hard and chuck the bike in front of your face :)

recently my sidehops have sufferd....now getting maybe 40 inches :( so im having to learn my tech all over again.........grrrrrrr should have writen it all down haha

just give it beans young man....lots of preload...commit then tuck :)


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You can hurt yourself on side hops!

I have smashed my fingers between the handlebars and the edge.

But the worst I did was halfway dislocated my shoulder. It clicked out a little bit and back and it hurt so bad. I jumped up, didn't get up with the wheels landed on my side up on the obstacle rolled over to my back and had my hand under the handlebars while the bike felled down and pulled my arm backwards against my shoulders moving ability(grammar?).

Edited by Henrik Y
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My tips for sidehopping:

1. Spend as little time setting up on the back wheel as possible.

2. Pre-load as much as you can.

3. Don't try to tuck, if a tuck is needed, it will happen on its own.

4. Don't pussy out of trying bigger sidehops, theres not a lot that can happen if you don't make a sidehop.

5. One last tip if your wanting to sidehop to 2 wheels, don't hold on your front brake. I've found this helps LOADS.

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My tips for sidehopping:

1. Spend as little time setting up on the back wheel as possible.

2. Pre-load as much as you can.

3. Don't try to tuck, if a tuck is needed, it will happen on its own.

4. Don't pussy out of trying bigger sidehops, theres not a lot that can happen if you don't make a sidehop.

5. One last tip if your wanting to sidehop to 2 wheels, don't hold on your front brake. I've found this helps LOADS.

verry well said david......ive found with out using a front brake i tend to just pooo my pants and go to rear :(

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Practice your technique and timing on ridiculously small walls, walls that you know you can do every time over and over again. Sidehop it until it gets dark.

Then move onto a slightly higher wall and sidehop that, then again, go abit higher and so on. Before you know it you will be hopping up high walls, but that’s only if you really want to.

Kick and pull hard, jump and reach high.

It worked for me anyway.

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was expecting you to say its all in the northen water or u eat magic beans......

pull hard reach high?

what do u mean thear craig?


Pull up on your bars hard, then once you have passed the pulling and your going into the tuck, reach high or push your arms forward if you like, to bring the back end up.

But thes your feet too, 'unweighting' as Hans Rays calls it.

Edited by Mr_scott
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right what i've found from watching damon, cls and neil is they all seem to have a similar ritual before making the jump it's self and thats the important bit they bring them selfs up onto the back wheel but instead of going into the normal hop position they pull the bars up closer to their body bringing there front wheel higher, then they do a few hops and usually a pause, as they are about to go for it they go into the air shrink themselves down (not the front wheel) and straighten their arms as they land so there in a perfect preload position then they just seem to put in alot of power and tuck

Edited by G4vyn
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right what i've found from watching damon, cls and neil is they all seem to have a similar ritual before making the jump it's self and thats the important bit they bring them selfs up onto the back wheel but instead of going into the normal hop position they pull the bars up closer to their body bringing there front wheel higher, then they do a few hops and usually a pause, as they are about to go for it they go into the air shrink themselves down (not the front wheel) and straighten their arms as they land so there in a perfect preload position then they just seem to put in alot of power and tuck

Power I thought a lot about when I was on the back wheel but the tuck just came naturally, I can't remember me ever thinking oh i need to tuck now, i knew in my mind that getting my arse to the side and down low would help me bring the bike higher.

Something I see a lot is people going over the top with their pre-load, maybe thinking the lower I get my bodyweight the more weight going up giving me more speed to shoot up the wall, that never worked for me. I had to always have the top of the wall in sight to be able to get up it, I used the power of my kick to get up.

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