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What Is Happening To The Forum ?


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Right, recently ive bought a few bits and peices off the forum. The last 4 things I have bought ive had problems with three of them. Im not going to name the people... (matt gibson it wasn't you (Y) ) 2 of the 3 I was told had been send along time ago. When I did get the parcel in the end, looked at the dates. They had both been send the day before. The other I havent even recieved. Im sorry but this is a joke? I don't no weither I should leave bad feedback cause i got the items, but they lied in the process or what to do. Just wondering if this is happening to other DESENT forum users or weither im just having a spell of bad luck.

They wont send the item until they have recieved the money. They get the money and they cant be arsed to go to the post office!

Don't sell things if you can't be bothered to go to the post office... argh im soo annoyed now.

Anyone else getting this kind of problem ?

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name and shame!

Also things are getting a lot cheaper to buy new these days, decent set of isis onza splined cranks for £30, 24 seven front sealed disc hubs £10 etc etc.

maybe try to deal with the older more trusted members rather than trying to save a few quid and inevitably losing the lot.

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I know the feeling mate. I've seen a few peoples deals go bad the last few weeks. I've had people saying they want stuff off me and not cough up the money. A few years ago when ever I sold anything if I'd seen the person posting a few times on the forum I'd just send what ever it was off before I got the payment. Now there's no chance I'd do that. There's a few names i've seen round for years like which i'd be happy to send stuff off before payment but a lot of them I don't trust. Its a shame really but I guess thats the price you pay for trials getting bigger.

I've not rode properly for a few years now but I remember when I first started riding if I ever saw another trials rider I'd go up to them and say hello and ride with them but I've noticed a lot of riders just ignore you now. oh well their loss I've made a few good mates from just going over and saying hello to another rider.

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out of interest i always get problems on Ebay but they always have excuses or refund me when the product is not up to scratch or as described any one know how to report a seller?

Theres this one guy in particular selling blatantly fake Adidas jackets for over the odds and its quite hard to tell to the first time buyer etc, and a seller from China doing the same thing, i want them gone , gone i say !!

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Exactly. It's shit being messed around, and if it's just happened to you you should be even more aware of that. Why would you let other people deal with the same hassle? Negative feedback will hopefully stop them from getting dicked around too, so use it.

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Exactly. It's shit being messed around, and if it's just happened to you you should be even more aware of that. Why would you let other people deal with the same hassle? Negative feedback will hopefully stop them from getting dicked around too, so use it.

The thing thats worrying me is that i recived the bits as described, just they wernt send when they said!

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Being ridiculously slack with posting something left you with a negative experience, didn't it? Having to arse about chasing parts up, waiting for days, not knowing what's going on - not a good situation, so give feedback bearing that in mind.

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people have to understand that money is one thing you CANT f**k around with, id deffo leave negative feedback if someone had obiously lied to me, dont be embarassed or anything about doing it, if they lied then they deserve it.... simple, don't let em mess other other people about (Y)

Wonder why i never deal with people on the forum though?

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people have to understand that money is one thing you CANT f**k around with, id deffo leave negative feedback if someone had obiously lied to me, dont be embarassed or anything about doing it, if they lied then they deserve it.... simple, don't let em mess other other people about (Y)

Wonder why i never deal with people on the forum though?

You dealed with me, and i was loverly :)

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if you had a bad experience mark them as negative it doesn't matter if the products were as described that should go without saying, if they were two weeks later leave a bad comment, and if they do the same back for no reason like the c-unts ion ebay then report the problem to a mod and im sure they will be happy to amend the feedback.

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