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29" Trials?


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i was just wondering today in school weather 29" trials biking will ever start/kick off? do you reacon it will? has it already started? i would just want to see peoples gernal ideas about the bikes if they would happen and your opinions about the idea of 29" trials.it has already started in mountain biking so do you think it will kick off in trials?

personally i think it never will.

*personally i think that its too big for well to many people

* wheels will be easier to buckle

so any more ideas/comments/views on 29" ??

cheers in advance.


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I wouldn't go as far as to say that it will never happen, as when biketrials was in its infancy i doubt anyone imagined 60" sidehops etc. But has anyone ever ridden a 29er? i have tried a bit of trials on one and it was just vast, everything was soo hard and restrictive due to its size.

Never say never!

Edited by Skoze
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I don't see it happening.

Less tyre and rim availability for a start, have you seen the sorts of rims they use on 29" bikes? No thanks for trials! Also, there's less room to dip down and tuck on sidehops, gaps and ups. It'd also make them less responsive and less spinny, and potentially more unstable due to the higher centre of gravity. The only benefit would be rolling over rough ground (which is why they're good for XC, kinda), which no-one really does any more, not even in competitions.

So nah, I doubt it.

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I don't see it happening.

Less tyre and rim availability for a start, have you seen the sorts of rims they use on 29" bikes? No thanks for trials! Also, there's less room to dip down and tuck on sidehops, gaps and ups. It'd also make them less responsive and less spinny, and potentially more unstable due to the higher centre of gravity. The only benefit would be rolling over rough ground (which is why they're good for XC, kinda), which no-one really does any more, not even in competitions.

So nah, I doubt it.

i supose but you cant say anything about the rims surley if it was going to be a 29" trials bike they would make them more specifice (sp?) and stronger, not on the 29" side btw.

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On 26" wheeled trials bikes the chainstays are already pretty much as short as possible in order to give the bike the kind of handling required for trials. Factor in the extra 1.5" a 29er will add to the chainstays and the handling will be terrible for anyone under 2m tall I'd say... 375mm is about as short as anyone is making stock chainstays at the moment - nobody makes trials frames with 413mm chainstays (1.5" + 375mm = 413.1mm, the theoretical minimum chainstay length a 29er can have) because that's too long for most people to be able to get the bike on the back wheel easily.

A 29" wheel up front like the 69ers use might happen though. Better for rolling through stuff, possibly will be able to get away with a narrower (Lighter) tyre since the bigger diameter of a 29er will make for a longer contact patch of the tyre (Could be a problem on edges and rails though). This however will lead to the need to make longer forks with slightly different offset to give the right steering geometry as well as the design of 29er compensated frames to keep the head angle correct for a headset lower crown that's 3" above the usual positioning for a stock bike, so a lot of effort for a difference many people may not notice or appreciate.

There's also the problem that all other things being equal a disk on a 29er will be about 10% less powerful due to the bigger diameter wheel and the possibility, particularly on the short frames, of toe overlap with the front wheel. It would be very hard to make a case for the benefits outweighing the disadvantages I reckon, though a 69er style bike would be very interesting on natural stuff :)...

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i supose but you cant say anything about the rims surley if it was going to be a 29" trials bike they would make them more specifice (sp?) and stronger, not on the 29" side btw.

A lot of people don't/didn't use trials specific stuff though...

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Is pennyfarthing trials is ever gonna kick off!? Would be much more fun!

Strangely back in the days when people used to actually use them they were being bunnyhopped over things - when you think about it they're just unicycles with a stabiliser... Wouldn't trust the spoon brake to hold on landing a gap though :P.

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