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Dj Ride 2008

dan more

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Mike, Do you actually ride trial's ? The hotter the better i say, got a Reeeet tann last time :rolleyes:

I used to, in fact I'll get some pics up when I get home :)

I always used to go out in shorts and tee at night in the summer because it was warm but not "Balls sticking to legs" hot.

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Im deffo going to both :)

yeah but malcs as soon as it came to the 2 mins silence....the sun broke through all the cloud and rain ...just for deej :)

this year will be sik

dave x

yeah true that was pretty wierd/cool

and the massive session under the bridge with like 40-50 people.

acctually doesnt matter what the weathers like the rain made it more fun.

cant wait till this years i wont miss it for the world

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I can meet you at radley if you like and we could ride from there (Y) But it is only january......

That's ace. Cheers man. I know it's noly January. But i need sort arrangements early. Book day off work. Book train tickets super early so i dont have pay a stupid amoutn of money.

I'd deffo be up for meeting you at Station.


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Ah radley is about 10-15 minutes ride away from abingdon united (where its held)

Not ideal, but not too bad.

This is it in a car. Google maps

Theres a footpath though, through a shitty housing estate thats much quicker/more direct.

I could make a video on my phone when i next go there with road names etc.

Edit: Wouldn't book train tickets just yet though, as date etc is still TBC

Edited by Quackers
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