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Yeah i think it should, i showed my 48 year old dad one video last year and he instantly said it should be an olympic sport.

Well is isnt as if trials isnt a popular sport as there are world championships ect...

I think if it was an olimpic sport then the french and spainish and flems will be the 3 on te podium i would of thought!

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You have wisdom of epic proportions.

Sig'd for truth!

If it were to make it to the olympics, all the general public would really se would be people in dodgy shoes on funny bikes bouncing around like lemons. (so not particularly watchable) Speed trial is different though, i'd watch it (Y)


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Please say your joking !


Yeah well, if people think its boring, lets give them something to look at!! Get some crazy stuff goin, dont say you've been riding and people havent stopped and stared :) So I reckon it should be in 2012, then Bike Trials would be popular with the Brits on the podium lol!!

Oli xxxxx

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trials is more entertaining than curling and bigger,i think that trials should be proposed to the olympic commitie and see what they say.


To you it may be, other people will proberly think differnt, Think about how many people have heard of curling, then the amount that have of trials.

IMO- trials is better to watch than football, but thats just a opinion and, i'm sure alot of people will think differnt.

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I think that trials should be included in the Olympics, it takes more mental and physical strengths than some of the other sports that are already included.

One day it might be in them. You look at how much trials has evolved over the years and how many more people ride now than they did 10 years ago. As our sport grows even further it will start to be recognised more and may well be a sport that we can win gold in.

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Its boring as f**k to watch, unless you're into it or its more of a 'best trick' or speed trial comp.

Absolute Crap.

Trials is fascinating to watch, even more so for those who don't ride themselves. It has so many different levels to it and is very varied in the way competitors approach obstacles and obviously the different sections. If you want 'boring as f**k' watch every track event ever invented.

Speed trials I agree would be an awesome event but best trick would be ludicrous as any 'best trick' a trials rider can perform would be no-where near as exciting as a say Dirt Jumper could perform. Unless you are referring to who can tap the highest or sidehop etc which would not be feasable either as all moves would have to be incorporated and there are just too many AND I can't think that would be anymore interesting than watching a competition.

if its olympic, then other countries like in africa might have to learn it, which would be difficult

I'm preety sure not all countries in the world are obliged to take part in all the available sports so can't think its too much of an issue.


which is why i said, countries like in africa

Well said, got him there ;)


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