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My New January Mix


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Right, I don't know how much you guys know about mixing but I'm pretty pleased with myself - I've been trying out new techniques and some advanced stuff lately, and I've implemented some into this new mix.

The idea is to put vocals over tracks that already have vocals, dodging the ones that are already on the track and then mixing into just vocals and then bringing another track over the vocals. This sounds like just mixing, but instead of 3 minutes per track you only get 30 seconds to mix in, loop the vocals and 30 seconds to mix out so it's pretty damn hard.

Anyway, in this new mix you have 37 minutes of Jackin' Glitchy Electro and then after that is all the technical stuff :)



Feedback very much appreciated!


EDIT: Just listening back and it seems to have recorded with a slight echo - not sure whether that's cool or annoying :S

EDIT 2: At 24 minutes the CD skipped twice, hence the awful clashing of tunes :( (That'll teach me to use cheap CD-R's)

Edited by TheScientist
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Love itttttt!!! it sounds brilliant with all the clever mixing, i wish i could do stuff like that :P

It's 5 years of self-taught practice, that's all mate. With proper training and internet tutorials you'd be looking at 2 years to learn... (For some reason I like to make things difficult for myself)

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Really enjoyed it, cheers.

Have you done any mixes with rockier/indie music?

I've done one with Indie remixes, so basically Indie but dance music style... I can't upload that one though as it's on the Oli Lewis DVD as an "Exclusive" mix - ie you gotta buy the DVD if you wanna hear it :)

I've also some Indie / Alterative stuff that's not so much of a mix, just a random tune selection... Also on the DVD.

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really like this mix mate - nice one! (i prefer breaks though - hint hint!)

add me on msn, benjitastic@hotmail.co.uk, so i can get the better quality jungle one, and we´ll sort out a way of me getting a copy of that DVD over to spain!

I've done one with Indie remixes, so basically Indie but dance music style... I can't upload that one though as it's on the Oli Lewis DVD as an "Exclusive" mix - ie you gotta buy the DVD if you wanna hear it smile.gif

I've also some Indie / Alterative stuff that's not so much of a mix, just a random tune selection... Also on the DVD.

are they the ones you did for me?

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