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If i was you i would go down to a bike shop and ask them to show you because if somebody tells you how to do it you could have a go but then theres a chance of messing it up so best bet is to go down to yur local bike shop and then yo can do it all by ur self that better than asking anyone on here

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Basicly you just tap you front wheel on the corner of the wall(if wall is not to high) and that gives you a kick which helps you to pull the bike up. So all you really have to do is hit the wall with you front wheel but not to low down because that will just make you stop completely and that can hurt quite alot.

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If i was you i would go down to a bike shop and ask them to show you because if somebody tells you how to do it you could have a go but then theres a chance of messing it up so best bet is to go down to yur local bike shop and then yo can do it all by ur self that better than asking anyone on here

I think your thinking of a different kind of tapping...

He means the trials move to back wheel a wall, not tapping threads.

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it was the natural progression for me after leafrning to backwheel, basically i was just getting closer and closer to get higher, i then just started touching the front and it gave some bounce.

learn it on a vertical wall about 36"

its ALOT easier to tap slopped walls, and it helps you build you confidence, then when you think your ready, move on to vertical walls.

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Just chill as your headed to the wall. Practice touching your front wheel a little if you want to get the feel then smooth it in with your normal backwheeling. I reckon a medium height but near the top of what your comfortable getting up. Practice and that! :)

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If i was you i would go down to a bike shop and ask them to show you because if somebody tells you how to do it you could have a go but then theres a chance of messing it up so best bet is to go down to yur local bike shop and then yo can do it all by ur self that better than asking anyone on here

Ah ha ha. Good advice, but slightly off topic i think. :P;)

Just ride into it. Leave it far too late and gently bump the top on something small at first, then as you progress go full on into it ben travis style.

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