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Deng Freehubs ?

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hey mate,

i havent heard a single thing, good about them.

i asked a few people about them when i was wondering if i should get one,

not one person said there was even something remotly good about them.

i havent heard of people hurting themselves because of them ive just heard they dont perform very well.

maybe the 08 range might be better??

personaly id steer very clear of them (Y)

hope i was some help =]


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There have been a few topics on these by the way. I honestly don't think there will be an 08 range either as these were 06 i think and discontinued.

They are the same as a Profile but built with lower tolerances i'm guessing due to the amount of problems. But then again the Profile has a few flaws.

My first one was alright, untill the rachet died. My second which was second hand had more luck, i used the other driver so it was nice and fresh then. Engages well, and generally not too bad. For £55 it's worth a try. If it has a problem then get a replacement.

Alot of the people that are responding to the topics are only going by what they've read so your bound to get more negative feedback than positive. I've seen a few of the sponsored riders using them and in response they said they had no problems.

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Never had one. But seen lots of faulty ones. :lol: Go for a chris king. lol

All hubs have problems, if a King skips, they go full revolution resulting in innovative new facial expressions from the rider as they nut the stem :P

Edited by Skoze
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Personally no way near as good as a profile

Every comment on hear seems to be bad lol

so leon i would go profile or front freewheel and decent rear hub if i was you

get ur new bike i want a blip on it lol!

FFW > Profile i'd say. My Eno has been good to me since i got it and i've got a Tensile which i never had any problems with either. But i've used the Eno for a year or so and haven't really used the Tensile very much so...

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  • 2 weeks later...
FFW > Profile i'd say. My Eno has been good to me since i got it and i've got a Tensile which i never had any problems with either. But i've used the Eno for a year or so and haven't really used the Tensile very much so...

profile's are soo nice i loved mine why i had it , but i swapped it for ffw and back wheel


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