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What's Your Most Embarrassing Moment?


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I text Ben Travis last nite....

It was ment to go to my girlfriend.... You get the idea.

Haha the same thing happend to me....but instead I sent the text my uncle :unsure:

Someone pee'd over me aswell one time and I walked around a day with bird poo on my head without noticing.

There's alot more but I can't remember it all, and some stuff is too embarassing to post here aswell :P

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Text a "private" picture to a girl once, somehow her number had got muddled up with my friend Stefans, he ended up with the picture. You can imagine what the reply was.

When I first moved into this house everyone was in my house and my laptop and they stumbled across a folder with old "private" pictures of me in, one was then set as my desktop (these pics were 2+ years old), it was embarrassing, but funny!

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Having a wank, door clicks open.. really quickly put it away and sit down, step sister walks in... Its pretty damn obvious what i was doing and trying to have a conversation with her feeling like a proper tit! HAHA

Ahh...there is a time in a boys live that something like this happends.

I was watching some porn myself, and my 13 y/o brother walks in, so I put it away and press alt+ctrl+delete to bring up the task manager screen and hide the porn.

So he is like: "what's with your pc?" and I awnser "Ehh...it was working slow and now it doesn't respond anymore".

He awsners: "oh you should restart it then" , in an attempt to make the story seem believeable I restart it.. but the screen goes to the desktop before it did and you just saw everything..

I was just like "uh...I got a..a ..virus".

Next day I let my virus scanner on the screen on purpose and he said "oh you really do have alot of virussen!" So maybe he believes me :P

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was xhating in schhool

my mate came behind me and pulled my trousers doiwn


was not good

and it was cold >_<

oh and got shat in ym shoulder by a seagul, three days later got shit on by a seagul, this time it as my head :@


the other day went to get my scooter from college a bird shit on it

the fanny

had to sit right right at the front of my bike


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aaages ago ,i pied on myself at school,accedentily ,had to explain to everybody that i just poored water on my pants ..

was very young tough ,but still

Willy dribble, board shorts.. not good.

*cover your self bottom half in water, including the sides* 'Oh the tap turned on a bit fast' (Y) Classic

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The moment for me was in first school, will have only been about 11 or 12. WAs sat in assembley, had a massive cold.

We were sat listening to some teacher chatting and I was laughing with a friend and suddenly had to sneeze. Tried my hardest not to sneeze but it had to come out, without a noise. AS you can imagine my nasal contents quickly became external contents, and I had to be marched out of the hall with snot all over.

A moment I hated but looking back I laugh every time


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If you think any of your bird poo storys are embarassing hear this one

to set the scene *Fire drill, so all 1000+ people of my school out on the field fresh outta break, so the birds are still around poncing all the left chrisps*

Sophie looked up at the birds...... all over her face...... and she wasnt allowed to go back inside the school till she got dismissed hahahaha

And just to note, in this situations tissues dont help.... genrally goes more "smeary" ahahaha bad times!

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i was in newlook with the missus and i was bored of looking at the same dress or sumit for the 4th time,so i forced out a fart to embarress her enough to finish her shoping there and then,so i let rip,it was so loud everyone in the store heard,but what made it worse was the fact there was a middle-aged couple no more than 2ft from my buttock wich i didnt notice,and they gave me the dirtiet look ever :$

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I remember when I was young in primary school I sucked at tying my shoelaces, so my mate offered to help and did them in an assembly.

But he tied my shoelaces together, and throughout the whole assembly I was trying to get them undone, then I got in trouble for not paying attention, then when I couldn't walk properly I got kept behind.

What a nob.

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i was in newlook with the missus and i was bored of looking at the same dress or sumit for the 4th time,so i forced out a fart to embarress her enough to finish her shoping there and then,so i let rip,it was so loud everyone in the store heard,but what made it worse was the fact there was a middle-aged couple no more than 2ft from my buttock wich i didnt notice,and they gave me the dirtiet look ever :$

classic! :lol:

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probably one time i went out on a wed night, got unbelievably lashed,

Had a kebab, and then woke up the next morning to my pissed of mum who made me go to school,

Without having anything to eat or a shower i walked into Assembly, 1st in so sat at the front.

Felt So bad, you know ultimate hangover, sweaty, grotty, headache, and that kebab dent do any good.

I established i was going to be sick, so i started to think of a strategy,

After waiting for too long i REALLY needed to be sick, and i wasn't any were near a exit.

So i ran to the front of the hall climbed up the stage and was sick in the small bin in the cent er of the stage. The hole hall was silent, and i was still being sick. Then after finishing, i was on my way back to my seat and i passed out and fell of the stage at the front and broke my collar bone.

I never really have recovered from the shame of that.

But yeah, lesson learned

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Back in the days of 56k, I printed some porn with the intent to switch it with one of my friends homework.

Instead, I left it on the printer, where my parents promptly found it, and moved it to the kitchen counter.

They didn't say anything, but they were pretty funny about that kind of stuff for a while, that's where I had one of those 'talks' with my dad.

f**k me that was embarrasing...

I'm totally doing it to my son, if I ever have one.

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