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What Bike To Get For Your Ability


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well hi guys,

i made this topic all for the reson that i have made one big mistake in my bike history, not long ago i brought my self a second hand zoo pitbull there was nothing wrong it was perfect now my problem is that im am way to small for that bike (some may have seen a few clips of me on a video made by adam brown) but its not just that im to small it is that i dont think that i am strong enough to lug the bike over the gap i am trying to. now for the people that like the very smooth ride of the 26 inch trials bike (one of the resons i brought one ) my advice is not to unless you are quiet tall or strong it may help to be both but unless you are strong and tall i would stick to a 20 inch trials bike. Now i no that i am being quiet bias but there will be a lot of one sided replys on this topic, i also think many people may ignore this topic but do feed back because id like to see what every one thinks

heres a pic of the factory bike


and here is an image of my bike (mine is older that the zoo above)


please do reply thanks for reading


Edited by cam217
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How old are you and how tall are you?? Im 16 and im 5ft6 i have recently bought the 07 echo lite frame and it seems perfect for me. I suppose its not all about your size its about your strength and your ability aswell. Personally i would have gone for a 20" but its personal preferences really (Y)


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A lot of people in other threads have been saying not to waste time on 20" as they are supposedly 'Kids' Bikes.

I Find that ridiculous and am glad someone has an example of why mods are good, not everyone has the strength or maybe height as it may be to ride a stock.

That's exactly why i think that mods are very good for beginners.


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Cameron,great topic ok im just about to buy my first trials bike,you may have seen my post 20" or 26",you see im 6ft tall and im unsure what to buy nobody round buy me rides trial bikes,sometimes i think 20 then the next day i think 26,i always seem to get it wrong.i think there should be more topics to help new guys,but saying that ive had a lot of help from many nice guys on here,it would be nice to try both out,but like i said im the only 1 in the area,anyway sell me your bike and get a 20" (Y) has im looking for a bike but cannot post has im a new-guy,my email is sbun69@yahoo.com (Y)

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Hi cam,

I do agree with your views on height but I think that strength is not so much of an issue. I have been riding with you alot in the past year or so and I am certain that your riding skills will improve with a mod. To be honest you are quite short but a mod will be just the right size. I have always rode mod and I dont think that I would ever change! :D

Keep trialing cam and I hope to ride with you next week?



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I personally think it is to do with strength as well, I can get my mod on the backwheel with no effort but having a go on a stock its much harder to keep it up, but im sure I could get used to it.

Maybe instead of strength it would just be adjusting to the change in the bike.

Who Knows...


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well sweeny todd you mate are very luckey lad mate because i myself have almost got a 20 inch running anyway and am looking for a buyer for my 26 inch so i will take your e-mail and will deffinatley talk about this sale

thanks for the veiws Cameron

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if you are not so tall, why dont you try mod-20"? as longe as you are riding trias it is ok :D

btw i think that your bike is older model than the one on the photo abowe, i also ride zoo pitbull but 07, zoo is great bike

stupid me :$ i havent seen that you said that your frame is older. i must start to read little things in corners :-

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well i like the range of replys i have got but just remember i am not telling anyone that if they are small and not so strong that they carnt get a 26 inch i just think it might be easyer for them to learn on a 20 inch first because i have rode both and found that a 20 inch was much easyer to control.

thank for the coments Cameron :)

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