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Jump From Saracen Mad 2.zero To Koxx Levelboss


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Hi there,

This is just a short review of these two bikes and the big jump that steps up your riding from beginner to an experienced trials rider. I know that the saracen is not a tricked-up bike but I say that it needs mentioning! Also, quite alot of beginners around leicester run these bikes.

I would just like to start of saying the a saracen 2.zero is not exactly a high-spec trials bike, and at £180 new who's complaining?



The saracen frame is very short and surprisingly very light for such a cheap bike and a great bike for beginners(well thats what I think anyway). As can be seen above it is simple and hassle-free.

The main good point of this bike are:

1. It's cheap!

2. Its quite light even against high end models

3. It is very simple and easy to maintain and use for months

4. It's a great beginners bike, no matter what people say! :)

5. Parts can obviously be installed such as maggies etc

6. Easy to get use to and skills can be quickly developed

7. All parts are of good quality

8. The geo is actually quite similar to the Montys!

The main bad points are:

1. As skills develop, the performance of the bike prevents any further progression in most cases

2. Quite short geo so suitable for quite short riders

But they are the only real bad points I see in this bike to be honest

Koxx Levelboss '06


Th koxx is alot more expensive than the saracen but it is obviously one of the main trials bikes on today's market and is still a great bike in my opinion even after years of the same design.

The main good points:

1. Great geo in my opinion ( levelboss long)

2. Very light even compared with others at the higher end

3. Quite cheap compared with others at the higher end as well.

4. great for natural and street in my opinion

5. Good quality tryall parts as standard

6. Skills can be developed easily

The main bad points:

1. Frame is quite weak, though will easily withstand a years worth of smashing

I made this review only the contrast the two bikes. The saracen is what I started ring and it got me where I am today. It is great value for money but to develop skills even further, a longer smoother bike is needed. I know some poeple wont even bother reading this topic but I just thought I would share my past bikes and experiences with them. The saracen is just for beginners, like I was and I didn't want to spend alot of money on a sport that I may not take to. (It just so happens that I did :D )

thanks for reading,


Edited by saracen_rob
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Both bike are obviously different, but the change from one to the other was fairly easy and once I had gotten used to the feel and control of the bike, it became much much easier to ride.

It takes time, but if anyone out there is thinking of changing their bike, then keep practicing and soon you will get the hang of it and your skills will develop massively

thanks again


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i went from a sarecen mad 2.zero to a second hand koxx xtp , i think the sarecen is a pile of wank personal to short , crap components . if you had enough money to buy a mad 2.zero id just get a second hand t-poo

plus the freewheel is crapo , hard to chain tension/gap , and theres no point putiin maggies on it .

but my sarecen cost £45 with avid sd7's lol . i now ride monty 221ti . nicey nice


Edited by trials-Leon
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Very useful topic (Y) I'm sure this will be greatly appreciated by those who are looking to upgrade their saracen mad 2.zeros (Y) It will also help riders understand the value of a better geometry frame and how it can improve their riding.

Edit: Nice one :)

Edited by JoNnY__Mc
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well i myself know rob and ride with him most of the time i have known a few people who have rode the saracen mads and they like rob have devolped new skills fast also its not just the saracen mads but i think if you get a bike with the same sort of geo then the same think will happen, but hands down no doubt about it the saracen do only go up to a limit were parts wear out but i must have to say i have seen a massive difference in rob the way he rides, technique and even confidence so i agree with rob if you want to start but not spend a lot of money go for the saracen mad :)


also i think that this topic will be quiet useful to new riders that dont know what bike to get because it is very informative and shows how good you can become on such a low brand trials bike and low cost it goes to show you dont need to of the range equiptment to be good at a sport :)


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