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Grant Hundley!


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Mended it, I must have copied the wrong tab url.

Buisness with conor is fine, sorted etc. Ive got the stuf postman just left it under a plant pot :S weirdo :P

FFS Ben, did you not think to look?

He's posting now :- .

He's reading....

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Just address them to Mr Hundley.

EDIT: Hey Ben, Yorkshire isn't too far from you... WATCH OUT BITCH, WE'RE COMING FOR YOU!!!!!

Yorkshire? :S Worcester is quite a lot further away than yorkshire....

Anyway, I am refunding you Ben, I have given you a tracking number and your accusing me of making it up?!! If you type in a random number on the royal mail site then it will say theres an error! Whats the chances of me making up a number that works??????

You keep saying the message on the royal mail site is the same.. Obviously it will be if they have no further information on where the parcel is?

Your getting a refund. As i already told you on msn.

As far as I'm concerned I shouldn't be blacklisted as I haven't scammed you. You failed to recieve my parcel for you, so your getting a refund...

And about Conor, I very much doubt he's scammed you, he's got enough money to build up 2 decent spec bikes and enough parts to build up another bike.. Judging by the bike stuff he has, he has no need to nick money off you!

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Wow never have i seen such a heated conversation on here. sounds like this grant fellow is going to get one hell of a beating. post a video of you guys breaking into his room and front tapping his face or something:)

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Im sorry grant but its abit dodgy that royal mail always looses PARCELS OFF YOU !! Wheres hudsons ? same place as mine ... or is it the same parcel ? or have you not even got the stuff ! Im fumming ! you dont realise that all i need to finnish my bike is a rear brake!

Ask anyone that I ride with, i had TWO sets of heatsink adapters and now I use the Onza ones that I have got...

I've had things get lost from Tarty, actually.. about 3 things i think.. One more parcel from them went missing, oh my god TARTY ARE SCAMMERS.

Your getting your refund, I even offered to give you a bit more back because of the delays etc.

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Ask anyone that I ride with, i had TWO sets of heatsink adapters and now I use the Onza ones that I have got...

I've had things get lost from Tarty, actually.. about 3 things i think.. One more parcel from them went missing, oh my god TARTY ARE SCAMMERS.

Your getting your refund, I even offered to give you a bit more back because of the delays etc.

and you also said you were going to be doing it this week ? still no sign.. ?

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user-online.pngGrant Hundley pp-blank-thumb.pnggender_male.pngView Member Profile friend_add_small.pngAdd as Friend send_pm_small.pngSend Message find_posts.pngFind Member's Topics find_posts.pngFind Member's Posts find_posts.png Feedback: View / Leave ipsmenu.register( "post-member-1463753", '', 'popmenubutton-new', 'popmenubutton-new-out' ); to_post_off.gif Today, 09:22 PM

Post #61



Group: Blacklisted Trader

Joined: 03/01/2007

From: mooo

County: Worcestershire

Bike Ridden: Stock

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Grant if this was the case, which I doubt, you'll have the reciept which you'll be happy to send to Ben with the refund. Which will then mean we can forget it all and your blacktrader status will be removed.

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and you also said you were going to be doing it this week ? still no sign.. ?

Yeah i admit i havn't sorted that out. But it will hopefully be sorted tommorow, as I said to you on msn and you said thats fine!

Well done, you have found my profile...

Grant if this was the case, which I doubt, you'll have the reciept which you'll be happy to send to Ben with the refund. Which will then mean we can forget it all and your blacktrader status will be removed.

ok (Y)

Then you'll all apologize?

Edited by Grant Hundley
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Grant if this was the case, which I doubt, you'll have the reciept which you'll be happy to send to Ben with the refund. Which will then mean we can forget it all and your blacktrader status will be removed.

yer i agree if i get the reciept i might change opionion. but at this moment I will NEVER buy off anyone i don't no on here again !

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Yeh, was in the Black Listed Trader's bit :giggle:

When Ben has seen the receipt for the parcel then I would hope the mods change it back.

I think I was only re-validated so i could be put into the blacklisted traders group... Lol

yer i agree if i get the reciept i might change opionion. but at this moment I will NEVER buy off anyone i don't no on here again !

To be fair, you've accused me of scamming you, you've accused me of never even having the parts, you accused me of whatever else.. Even though I gave you the tracking number...

The least you could do is just say sorry for all these un-true accusations.

I know that you must think I am scamming you, but if I was then where would i have got a tracking number from????????

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The refund for hudsons was ment to have been send before christmas. He aslo said that he was going to refund me this week, still no sign of a bank transfer !

Don't end topic till its over im nopt letting it die down !

What?? He kept saying that it could be because of christmas and that he's going to wait till after christmas for it.

Quite recently I have traded/bought some stuff off BigDrew on the forum, ask him if he see's me as an unreliable trader, I bet he'll say I am as we have sorted the arrangement out at the start of the week and I'm going to be recieving my parts tommorow.

Oh and you are welcome to come down to Worcester, just your not going to find your parts here :S

Can't the topic be closed, then just make a new one if theres any problems about your refund, as at the moment this is just turned into a hate filled topic.

I'm not replying again in this topic as the problem is sorted (once i transfered the money). I'm giving you a refund.

Edited by Grant Hundley
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grant you found my reciept yet? im not

calling anyone a scammer but yeah i have thought the worst as anyone does and i am anoyed about the situation as anyone would, so if youve found the reciept can you give me the number and then get into touch with royal mail to see about compensation as it means you could refund me and it wont be comeing out of your pocket

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