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32 Hole Rims To 36 Hole Hubs?

Adrian J

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hey there, havent posted on the forum for ages now. Recently i destroyed another ronnie rim, i have a echo 07 at the moment off a friend, any ideas as to how i can build it onto the rim...i understand its possible?? correct me if im wrong. pics or vids would be awsome!

cheeers aj :)

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You want to lace the wheel normally, but get some tape and you need to tape 4 holes up on the hub. A wheelbuild is made up of trailing and leading spokes (pointing forwards and pointing backwards in otherwords) so on each side drive side and non driveside you want to get rid of a leading and trailing meaning there 4 less spokes. tape up any hole on the hub and then directly down from it tape up another. If you hold the hub with the taped up holes alined vertically then on the other hub flange you want to tape 2 other holes up horizontally so you have a + sign. hope you got that and it helped

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