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Front To Back Technique?


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iv decided im gunna nail front to backs, gapping to front wheel swpping etc

any tips on the technique before i knock my teeth out?

im sure theres been a few topics on this but none of them i looked through helped much so i thought id start another one

cheers for any info/tips etc

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I'm shit at front to backs on thin shit but I can do them okay on pallets and walls and stuff, you just have to get your front up on the wall with a bit of rolling speed, and then pull the bike up, making sure your back is higher than the front, so you're pretty much doing an endo on the edge of the wall, then let go of your front brake, and scoop the bike up with your legs while pulling up on the bars, kind of imagining your bike is in a semi circular tube... then push the back wheel down where the front was...

It's hard to describe really, so thats the best I can do, hope it's of some help.

Oh! Watch some videos, Danny Fosters new one has some mental front wheel gaps to rails and stuff, might give you a hand with technique...

Edited by JonMack
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When endoing on your front wheel I ease my front brake off and roll the bike under with no brakes while leaning back until it comes up onto the back, then apply the back brake, it's so smooth like that.

I have still to learn gapping to front. It's a weird thing to learn, as it goes against everything you've already learned :S

Edited by fyfey
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