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Speaker Impedance

Michael Ingle

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I've just ordered some Infinity Kappa 6x9's, but afterwards I read about the impedance. Apparently you shouldn't run them through the head unit and they need a separate amplifier, but Ive only got a two channel amp which is built into my sub box. Basically, aside from the sound quality suffering, what would happen if I ran the 2ohm speakers from my 4ohm headunit? Am I going to blow the 6x9s / headunit? Also, if there is no alternative than to have these amped, does anyone know if its possible to remove the 2 channel amp from a Fli sub/amp box and just use that temporarily?

Cheers, Mike.

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When you say all the way up, do you mean literally all the way up, or do you mean to a level which would distort average 6x9's?

Also, I cant find anything on that Rockford Fosgate site which helps me :S


I meant by about half. I blew my brothers rig up, just because there was a power flux, and the speakers weren't made for the head unit. Has your head unit got a compression unit or an anti power surge unit built in ?

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