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Trials-forums,have Your Say

bricktop 2980

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are there any other forums other than this 1 guys you cannot do anything only in the new members chat,everybody seems blunt and because your new some people just take the p s,other bike forums im on are a lot more laid back we have a laugh ,help the new guy,do our best to stop any probs that start,come on guys have your say ,dow start sucking up here just so other guys on here think o yeh his right,what do all you other new guys think,some have got to be pi ed of has well.its run like some school,very poor,i ride cyclocross,rode bike motocross supermoto,and this forum is bottom of my list im sorry to say,im on all the other forums of the bikes i ride and they are way in front,now donot get kickin me of just cause ive got the balls to have a moan for us new guys.xx

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To Be Honest!

This forum is more than friendly enough, as long as you spell right, and you don't come across cocky. All the people on here have helped me out from the start. Also, I've been on lots of forums, and this is the best one to date.

No doubt this'll be closed soon.


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Are you disagreeing with there being a new members bit and the validation as it is there for a dam good reason to stop people being ripped off with sales for one.

BUT i have to agree with you i think some members talk and think there above new members and do talk asif there superior to them because they have been validated. And have this view that all new members dont know what they are talking about.

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Are you disagreeing with there being a new members bit and the validation as it is there for a dam good reason to stop people being ripped off with sales for one.

BUT i have to agree with you i think some members talk and think there above new members and do talk asif there superior to them because they have been validated. And have this view that all new members dont know what they are talking about.

Yeah, he did have a point. BUT, the way he said it was out of order.

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Why should we say something we dont think ?!?

Ive been on this forum from when i first started trials and i always got all the awsers to my questions and all the help i needed !

The best bit are the ride thought but shame that you probably not clever enought to enjoy here.

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Hes right, just because we see sh*t topics all the time doesnt mean people are going to stop posting them, hes a beginner, and obviously it is a good idea to have the nmc section but the fact is, members are way too harsh on them for getting the smallest thing wrong.

exactly what id expect anyway, the sites great and most of the people are cool, but some people are just c*cks, think twice about what you post that guy has probably just got a bike wanting to start trials and because of some people being idiots he wants to find better people to give him information and guidence because members dont provide the information new riders need, thats what the sites here for.

Edited by ToXiN-BoY
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at last somebody who will stand up and have there say,im not here to rip people of or anything like that but there are some right twats on here big time,just cause your new you cannot have yoursay.its wrong this all needs looking at im just speaking for the other guys has well so please bear this in mind thank you for your time

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f**kin hell do you all suck b*****d cock nobody got any balls



Or, find a more constructive way of saying it. Long and short of it is, all of the full members posts are well punctuated, well sentenced and easy to read.

I got validate within a day of being on the Forum. Because, i spell and type as though i am talking to the Queen of England.


Edited by Pashley26
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at last somebody who will stand up and have there say,im not here to rip people of or anything like that but there are some right twats on here big time,just cause your new you cannot have yoursay.its wrong this all needs looking at im just speaking for the other guys has well so please bear this in mind thank you for your time

soo are you disagreeing with the validation system? saying because it doesnt allow you to have your say as you cant post in trials chat? or you just saying about the atitude of members to new members?

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i dont think anyone really minds the newbie questions.

i do believe that members can be a bit harsh now and again BUT i think that is only really because you wouldnt beleive the amount of topics that are started and are about the exact same thing. peole need to use the search more. its what its there for.


welcome to the forum? lol

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