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Fort Augustus Ride?


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when is the next fort augustus comp gonna be?

i really just wanna ride there again because i loved the last one!

So is there gonna be one at any time because if there is then im deffinately there!

Edited by RossMcd
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where about's is fort agustus? realistically i'd be needing to bum a lift from dundee, or could go to edinburgh/glasgow and meet people there if need be? anyone fancy it?

I'd definately be up for going to at least get some footage, might have a decent bike depending on when it is but would love to go along anyway. Pretty disappionted by the lack of riding since i've come to scotland :(

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where about's is fort agustus? realistically i'd be needing to bum a lift from dundee, or could go to edinburgh/glasgow and meet people there if need be? anyone fancy it?

I'd definately be up for going to at least get some footage, might have a decent bike depending on when it is but would love to go along anyway. Pretty disappionted by the lack of riding since i've come to scotland :(

I dont know if this would help but may aswell try


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where about's is fort agustus? realistically i'd be needing to bum a lift from dundee, or could go to edinburgh/glasgow and meet people there if need be? anyone fancy it?

I'd definately be up for going to at least get some footage, might have a decent bike depending on when it is but would love to go along anyway. Pretty disappionted by the lack of riding since i've come to scotland :(

It's basically half-way between Inverness and Fort William, not sure if that will mean anything to you since you haven't been staying in Scotland for very long lol. But yeah if you were to come, meeting some of the boys from Edinburgh/Glasgow would be your best bet (Y).

If it was right at the start of the summer holidays it would be the perfect time for it. Bright, Warm, Good time for people still in school and my wrist should be healed enough by then so I can ride properly.

I don't really see what difference it being in the summer holidays would make, would have to be on a Saturday or Sunday anyway, hardly fair on the people that work if its on a weekday. Also, anytimes good for us people still in school (not that I will be by summer), its not like we've got any major commitments like those in work do.

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