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Helo i have just started trials, i have decided to learn how to do side hops.

My freind has told me that because i ride left foot forwards, i have to sidehop to my right but it feels natural to hop to my left. Is this true?

Why are you meant to sidehop to the opposite side? :S

Is it ok if i do side hop to my left even though im left foot forwards.

thank you


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Ok no one has explained this properly so il give it a go as ive read up alot about side hops as i enjoy doing them......

i began to side hop right foot forward and also side hoped to the right witch was ok un till you push your side hops higher .when u miss a side hop and u land on the pedal you are more than likely to loop out and hurt your self.....this bugged me quit alot ....so i tried to do side hops like this..side hop to the opposite side of your chocolate foot...at first it felt verry strange ...but your body can tuck alot more naturaly that way thus increasing hight on side hops and if u were to miss a side hop and land on the pedal that way u wont loop out at all.....but your way is fine keep doing it if it feels ok to you

thats the best i can explain it really


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I feel the same as Mrkoxx about landing on the pedal if you don't quite make your sidehop. It feels alot safer landing on your back pedal than your forward one.

I side hop mainly to my left with right foot forward. The hub bolt head or bare chainstay on the non drive side appreciates the abuse much more than the tensioner on a stock bike if you dont quite make it.

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I'd learn to go to the opposite side to your lead foot.

Yeah i know, blah blah blah Tunni blah blah i'm a cockmuncher blah blah, but in later life you'll hit a 'ceiling' when going to the same side.

try and go to your opposite side, it'll make things way easier.

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Well naturally you should sidehop to the opposite of your good foot.

I learnt to sidehop to the right, as this is apparently the correct way, but I only got a certain height, just about 20 inches.

Then one day I went to the left for some strange reason, so I sidehopped in the direction of my good foot.

On that day I managed to get a 33" sidehop, and since then I haven't been able to match or beat that.

The technique didn't look as good (landed on front wheel then the rear wheel), but I could do it to my left very controlled, and rarely would I lose balance and have to hop off as a result of it.

It always put me off though, as I thought I would get stuck on height due to limited tuck (your legs cross over weird going in the same direction as your forward foot).

So lately I was determined to sidehop right, scary stuff but I'm eventually gettingt there.

And when I get my bike working I want to equal or top the highest sidehop I did, but going the natural way.

I say do whatever feels more comfortable, now that I have developed the correct method (to me anyways), I can physically tuck the bike into me, land two wheels at once, and get good height because of it.

Also slipping down to pedal is a good relaxing thought.

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