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The Universe Discussion!


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Yet again i cant sleep so decided to have a quick browse around the members forum (the interesting bit i cant post in). Whilst looking in the chit-chat column i noticed there is a really interesting topic on the universe. I personally have a lot of opinions and ideas as to what it consists of and what its made up of and am really dissapointed that i cant post in this section. If theres (anybody out there) no pun intended honest who also has any thoughts would you please post them in here.

thanks vinny.

P.S. im not trying to cause an argument its just generally something i think people would be interested in.

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Is your surname paul by any chance?

no its pollard no vicky jokes please although my mum was going to call me that if id have been born a girl LOL. tHANK F**k for that ehh!!!

P.S. guess no ones intetrested in the actual topic then?????

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no its pollard no vicky jokes please although my mum was going to call me that if id have been born a girl LOL. tHANK F**k for that ehh!!!

P.S. guess no ones intetrested in the actual topic then?????

Yes i am, i made another topic which brung the universe topic up. I've been thinking alot about it and now i'm kind of paranoid. Its really interesting and considering studying it.

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finally someone whos interested. i was reading a bit on the full members one and someone asked a question saying, why when we look up at the sky at night does it look black?. most of the replies where along the lines of because theres no light or particles to reflect light. i however think its because it doesnt exist. by that i mean yeah theres planets and gas and stuff floating around but i actually think space is just another word for endless nothingness. and the only reason why it looks black is because theres actually nothing there to see.

wow im going to be thinking about this for a while if i have any more thoughts im going to bang them on here as long as no one closes it


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finally someone whos interested. i was reading a bit on the full members one and someone asked a question saying, why when we look up at the sky at night does it look black?. most of the replies where along the lines of because theres no light or particles to reflect light. i however think its because it doesnt exist. by that i mean yeah theres planets and gas and stuff floating around but i actually think space is just another word for endless nothingness. and the only reason why it looks black is because theres actually nothing there to see.

wow im going to be thinking about this for a while if i have any more thoughts im going to bang them on here as long as no one closes it


That someone might have meant, why is nothing/space black?, so 'because its nothing' doesn't really answer the question.

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I can see where your coming from jebend i was just putting my opinion across and not trying to answer the question sorry if it seems like that.

Another thing that will probably keep people awake thinking about it is if the universe is constantley expanding like everyone seems to think it is,whats it expanding into if you get what i mean.

Im starting to confuse myself here a little bit LOL.

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I can see where your coming from jebend i was just putting my opinion across and not trying to answer the question sorry if it seems like that.

Another thing that will probably keep people awake thinking about it is if the universe is constantley expanding like everyone seems to think it is,whats it expanding into if you get what i mean.

Im starting to confuse myself here a little bit LOL.

I just had to notice that lol, no offence jebend but lol

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new thought for you all

maybe we are living in a 4D universe but we just cannot imagine it

in this 4D universe if you travelled in what we think is a straight line we come back to were you started because you actually are going in a curve but we cannot imagine it to be a curve as it would be 4D

some scientist think that our universe is expanding so fast that it is like a elastic it will go so far and then collapse in on its self and start all over

this is a very hard topic to think about and i think we are a long way from finding the answer

but its fun to watch people thinking about it

good luck with this

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I can see where your coming from jebend i was just putting my opinion across and not trying to answer the question sorry if it seems like that.

Another thing that will probably keep people awake thinking about it is if the universe is constantley expanding like everyone seems to think it is,whats it expanding into if you get what i mean.

Im starting to confuse myself here a little bit LOL.

ahh right, fair enough

I just had to notice that lol, no offence jebend but lol


new thought for you all

maybe we are living in a 4D universe but we just cannot imagine it

in this 4D universe if you travelled in what we think is a straight line we come back to were you started because you actually are going in a curve but we cannot imagine it to be a curve as it would be 4D

some scientist think that our universe is expanding so fast that it is like a elastic it will go so far and then collapse in on its self and start all over

Well time would be a fourth dimension there, even though I disagree with the other 3 dimensions as they would be equal when there is no 'right way up'.

And the expanding thing is only based on another assumption being that it does end.

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What blows my mind is the fact that the faster you are going the more time slows down:

You might not believe it but Einstein did and he knew a thing or two ;)

Example: If you got in a space ship flew around the universe for say 50 years at one MPH less than light speed (impossible to reach light speed) if you returned to earth you would assume 50 years had gone by by however this would not be so, hundreds of years would have gone by.

Just a little thought.


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I don't agree with that statement, if you travel at 1mph less than light speed for 50 years, you have actually travelled for 50 years, regardless of how fast you are going you have still travelled for 50 years. So coming back to earth 50 years would have passed!

I understand how the thoery has come about, in that you are keeping up with lightspeed and therefore keeping up with time itself so it appears to go much more slowly, but you will have still only been doing this for 50 years, so that is the time that has passed, real time or lightspeed time!

If you set off at the same time as 1 beam of light, and did 1mph less continuosly, the calculated time between the beam of light and yourself would elapse much more slowly so that if you calculated the 50 years that way, it would in fact work out at an astranomical amount of time in real earth time! This isn't actually you travelling for 50 years, this is you working out the time difference between a beam of lights overall distance travelled and your own!!

Feel free to prove me wrong but thats just the way I read and inteprete it

God I feel like i have confused myself even more trying to type that!


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this kinda stuff will have you pondering for years. but as for the current discussion.i cant answer the question of how long. and neither can NASA apparently. i did a few calculations and without being into quantum physics or a qualified astrophysicist and i cant be sure weather the outcome is anywhere near but eh! who can be...its space and its all just speculation. so here it goes..

speed of light is a variable depending on permeability and dialectric constants and also dependable (as where talking about space) on different planetary orbits. (IE. what time of the day/month/year you decided to go for a 50 year blast round the multi verse)

A. speed of light= 186282 miles/second (ish)

B. 50 years= 1576800000 seconds

a*b= 9314100

(without the equation for time dialation this is as far as i got)

some want to work the rest out.!!! lol.

(this may help)

where v is the velocity of the object and c is the speed of light. At v=c this goes to infinity, or in other words, time would stop for an object moving at the speed of light. This is not a problem because objects can't go at the speed of light -- it would take an infinite amount of energy (and their mass would also become infinite).

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this kinda stuff will have you pondering for years. but as for the current discussion.i cant answer the question of how long. and neither can NASA apparently. i did a few calculations and without being into quantum physics or a qualified astrophysicist and i cant be sure weather the outcome is anywhere near but eh! who can be...its space and its all just speculation. so here it goes..

speed of light is a variable depending on permeability and dialectric constants and also dependable (as where talking about space) on different planetary orbits. (IE. what time of the day/month/year you decided to go for a 50 year blast round the multi verse)

A. speed of light= 186282 miles/second (ish)

B. 50 years= 1576800000 seconds

a*b= 9314100

(without the equation for time dialation this is as far as i got)

some want to work the rest out.!!! lol.

(this may help)

where v is the velocity of the object and c is the speed of light. At v=c this goes to infinity, or in other words, time would stop for an object moving at the speed of light. This is not a problem because objects can't go at the speed of light -- it would take an infinite amount of energy (and their mass would also become infinite).

Nice to see people are actually putting some serious thought into this, it makes for a very interesting read keep the comments coming!!!!!

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What blows my mind is the fact that the faster you are going the more time slows down:

You might not believe it but Einstein did and he knew a thing or two wink3.gif

Example: If you got in a space ship flew around the universe for say 50 years at one MPH less than light speed (impossible to reach light speed) if you returned to earth you would assume 50 years had gone by by however this would not be so, hundreds of years would have gone by.

Just a little thought.


It is true that someone can understand another person's clock (being totally identical to their's) to be ticking at a slower rate when compared with their clock. You might say that for the person with the clock that ticks slowest, that time would also be passing at a slower rate however this is only true to that persons viewpoint. So from the perspective of that person, time will always pass at the same rate, so long as the other with the faster ticking clock is not part of the others perception. So this is only necessary when regarding anything that produces change over that time.

So yeah, it may thoretically be possible if spacetime is infact a curved shape and if space and time are relative (hard to believe) but both parties, on earth and in a space ship would still have aged at the same equivalent, i.e the people on the space ship would not live longer than the norm.

I tried to put it as simply as I could but its hard to think of stuff like that :(

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It is true that someone can understand another person's clock (being totally identical to their's) to be ticking at a slower rate when compared with their clock. You might say that for the person with the clock that ticks slowest, that time would also be passing at a slower rate however this is only true to that persons viewpoint. So from the perspective of that person, time will always pass at the same rate, so long as the other with the faster ticking clock is not part of the others perception. So this is only necessary when regarding anything that produces change over that time.

So yeah, it may thoretically be possible if spacetime is infact a curved shape and if space and time are relative (hard to believe) but both parties, on earth and in a space ship would still have aged at the same equivalent, i.e the people on the space ship would not live longer than the norm.

I tried to put it as simply as I could but its hard to think of stuff like that :(

I tried to word in simply but it doesn't work, not when your talking about a topic as vast as space. Almost as confusing a topic as women!!!

This conversation could go on forever as everyone has their own theories and interpretations of how they understand things.


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They are amazing i beleive in them. I live near woodbridge and when the yanks were there, the radars tracked it landing in the forest then it moved onto RAF lakenheath did a circle of the airbase. it happned for several nights in a row

This topic is supposed to be about the universe you know not ufos, sorry to be a bit of a blag but i dont want it gettig closed.

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