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Just Had An Idea...


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I... attempt to sidehop to my left, left foot forward = if I miss I can't catch the ledge with my rear pedal = I fall on my ass! So I was thinking why not attach `something` to the back end of my left chainstay to catch the ledge as a pedal would.

What's your thoughts on this... zip tie an L shaped piece of wood that sticks out a bit / custom build some metal bracket etc / bodge some kind of peg to my pro2 fun bolts/frame... h`mm just making this up as I type / `learn to sidehop right`... just humour me, would it work / be worth it?

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  Concussion said:
I... attempt to sidehop to my left, left foot forward = if I miss I can't catch the ledge with my rear pedal = I fall on my ass! So I was thinking why not attach `something` to the back end of my left chainstay to catch the ledge as a pedal would.

What's your thoughts on this... zip tie an L shaped piece of wood that sticks out a bit / custom build some metal bracket etc / bodge some kind of peg to my pro2 fun bolts/frame... h`mm just making this up as I type / `learn to sidehop right`... just humour me, would it work / be worth it?

I have a better one (Y). Sidehop the opposite way (Y).


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I think it would work, especially the peg idea... I like that one. I should be sidehopping to the right but it feels weird, can't seem to move the rear end much / foot comes off the pedal. Same with endo turns to the right... doesn't happen!

...Tunni does it my/his way so that's good enough for me. Be interested to know what people who ride LFF-SHL think about this?

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  Concussion said:
I think it would work, especially the peg idea... I like that one. I should be sidehopping to the right but it feels weird, can't seem to move the rear end much / foot comes off the pedal. Same with endo turns to the right... doesn't happen!

...Tunni does it my/his way so that's good enough for me. Be interested to know what people who ride LFF-SHL think about this?

Same for me but the other way round... endo turns to my left are harder. Madness!

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In the same kind of idea, I know Shawn Denny from DropIn (a mountain biking TV show in Canada) and I think Ryan Leech also did this awesome trick once :

Started a regular sidehop

In mid air raised the pedal on the side he was hopping

Landed on the raised pedal

Spun the cranks 180 and then locked the in place with the rear brake

Made the small hop from the now lowered pedal to the tires

It would probably have much more style to learn that, my friend ;)

Euhm after re-reading your post, I notice mine has little to do with it... Sorry.

Edited by paolo
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  Concussion said:
I think it would work, especially the peg idea... I like that one. I should be sidehopping to the right but it feels weird, can't seem to move the rear end much / foot comes off the pedal. Same with endo turns to the right... doesn't happen!

...Tunni does it my/his way so that's good enough for me. Be interested to know what people who ride LFF-SHL think about this?

I think it's not a bad idea - It would be a like a stunt peg on a BMX, I think some street MTBs have them.

I am left foot foward and side hop to the left. I know I am supposed to go the other way but like you, it seems really hard to move the back end of the bike. Also my tensioner is on the right and whenever I attemp to sidehop right I just know I'm going to hit the tensioner.

To me there seems to be some sense in side hopping to the non-drive side of the bike. I'd love to have some kind of bike where the drive chain is protected - like that Onza proto type with the dropped chainstay. Then I could practice side hopping to the right with no fear.


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I sidehop to the right, right foot forward and i never catch my pedal, biggest sidehops just over bar on stock.

you may aswell try it but it could also make it worse. maybe some stunt pegs cut down really short on both axels on one side.

so you can sidehop to pegs, would look mint.

Never know, deng might be making/heavilly anodising them next year !

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Problem being is if you attach anything to your frame or axle, is that your just creating leverage to bend the bike. A good idea but it will create more problems that solve.

I also used to sidehop to the left, being left foot forward. That was off both wheels as well. I forced myself to learn off the back wheel to the right. After doing that for so long i wouldn't dare going to the left anymore.

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Even more wierd than making a bicycle go sideways, (?!), Danny Kearns is now saying to do it the opposite way? what so if you ride left foot foward like me, you go sideways to your right?

How wierd is that. Just tap the b*****d.

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Im right foot forward and side hop right i can go left i just find it strange i personaly don't see whats rong with it people moan but its still hoping and going sideways i know this might be a problem for stock riders with mechs but they will have the same problem if there left foot forward then they have to side hop right anyways. When i miss a side hop i tend to land on bash ring instead of my pedal at the back then i kinda leaver the pedal down and it pushes me up to two wheels don't personaly have any problems with it not caught my foot yet ether.

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I'm gonna see if I can attach a cut down peg to my fun bolts this afternoon, will post a pick so you can laugh! Hell, just a piece of wood attached to the chainstay will save me smashing my (newly stripped and polished Trex), frame up.

...although it would look shit! Unless I sprayed it silver? ^_^

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  paolo said:
In the same kind of idea, I know Shawn Denny from DropIn (a mountain biking TV show in Canada) and I think Ryan Leech also did this awesome trick once :

Yeah, Akrigg does that in the Trialnoir DVD, looks really good.

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So yeah, pics. I'm sure you could have guessed what it would look like... gonna have to chop it down a bit though, will see how I get on with it? Maybe some bright spark could even use it to incorporate new moves (well stalls I guess?), in to there riding?




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That's exactly the reason why I started sidehopping in the opposite direction. Give that idea a try though, could be fun :D

edit: as for it being difficult to learn to sidehop in the opposite direction, it took me 3 days of constant sidehopping.

Such a change has more benefits than not falling off if you don't make it to the top.

Edited by Inur
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Im right foot forward and i sidehop to the right if my backwheel misses then it just goes to bash or pedal and if it totally misses ive already jumped off.

I find no problems mabie when i actually get good at sidehops ill try and change... but i really dont see my need to.

Also that peg could really mess up your bike in more ways than one. But its up to you :D

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