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...The most ridiculous thing i've ever heard !

If it's notchy try loosening your stem and then turn it, if it's still notchy it's f**ked...

If it squeeks when you put the brakes on and push bake and forwards then it's not tight enough, the hedset is equally f**ked !

Or it could just be that it's dry, so Gt it ! Or go to your bike shop and get some XC lube (in a green bottle and good bike shop will sell it) and spray that in there !

If it is the back and forwards one and lubing it or tightning it dosen't fix it check that the forks are not bent/dinged or worst case you frames probably ovalised (very common if you put headsets in with a hammer and a lump of wood !) and your head tubes FACKED !

Or it could just be that the Bearings are worn, how old is it ? And when/how does it creak ?

What headset is it ? Hope it's not a king !


Edited by Pashley26
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...The most ridiculous thing i've ever heard !

If it's notchy try loosening your stem and then turn it, if it's still notchy it's f**ked...

If it squeeks when you put the brakes on and push bake and forwards then it's not tight enough, the hedset is equally f**ked !

Or it could just be that it's dry, so Gt it ! Or go to your bike shop and get some XC lube (in a green bottle and good bike shop will sell it) and spray that in there !

If it is the back and forwards one and lubing it or tightning it dosen't fix it check that the forks are not bent/dinged or worst case you frames probably ovalised (very common if you put headsets in with a hammer and a lump of wood !) and your head tubes FACKED !

Or it could just be that the Bearings are worn, how old is it ? And when/how does it creak ?

What headset is it ? Hope it's not a king !


like i sed echo!

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