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Speakers For Pc Just Suddenly Stopped Working :s


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Hi there peeps...

Last night, i was calmly listening to some zero7 , then once the new windows live messenger stopped downloading and installed, my speakers have stopped working :S they dont make ANY sound... no music, msn sounds, windows start up sound... nothing. :(

Iv checked that nothing is on mute ect, but that still doesnt work...

The speakers ARE switched on and connected in the right ports...

I can still hear static through them... but no music :S

help! :(

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Check your soundcard is operating properly by going.

Control Panel>System>Hardware> Click on whatever your soundcard is and it will say "The device is working properly" if it says it isn't then rollback the driver, or install driver off cd, and see if that helps.

That would be the first thing to check. The reason you can hear static is because there will be a certain degree of electrical interference through the other bits of hardware in the pc which is amplified by the speakers because they aren't receiving any other signal.

Hope this helps..


edit: without sounding condascending click on the speaker icon in your toolbar and make sure nothing is muted.

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And conversely try some headphones in the PC to check that's not the problem.

good idea guys, il try that now...

Its definatly my pc thats the problem.

The speakers are working through the ipod, but the head phones dont work through the pc... :(

How do you think i should get it fixed?

:( sad :(lol

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