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Rear Brake


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Wouldnt that mean there would be fluid leaking or air getting into the system ?

It would but if it was a slow leak you wouldn't notice it as there would only be very small amount of fluid coming out at a time. My break is like that and all it requires is a re-bleed every month or so.

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pretty much check the seals,hoses ,fittings etc for leaks.also check to see if the pistons in the calipers and lever are returning as they should(almost instantanious ),if there not spray some wd40 or simular to lube up these parts.but be careful not to contaminate the pads or rim .


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pretty much check the seals,hoses ,fittings etc for leaks.also check to see if the pistons in the calipers and lever are returning as they should(almost instantanious ),if there not spray some wd40 or simular to lube up these parts.but be careful not to contaminate the pads or rim .


If you take the pistons off the bike it is alot easyer to clean them out properly and give them a general all round check over.

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