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What Did You Get


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I got very drunk and i am still am right now!

I actually got some money...as i couldnt think of anything i wanted, plus the usual sweets n stuff, been a good day! bring on the new year!

ooo and ive been playing guitar hero III so much fun to play

p.s what was the most random present you guys have received today?

Edited by Bondy
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I got a remote control helicopter like someone else. Got it stuck in a 10m tree within 5 minutes (But I climbed up to get it). Now it's got some fluff stuck in the rotors so doesn't really work :turned: Pretty cool though.

A belt (Which I bought myself yesterday, haha)

A drill (my Dad likes giving me tools, I don't complain)


Clarkson's latest rant-in-a-book


  Ash-Kennard said:
orange ipod shuffle

Can you find out where that came from by any chance? I really want one but can't find the orange one anywhere (Everywhere I've looked is out of stock, and the new colours are really gay. Red is OK, but that's exclusive to the Apple shop).

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iPod Touch 16gb

Armarni code aftershave and deoderant

8 x Duracell Supreme rechargeable batteries

Griffin Elevator laptop stand

£50 from sister and her boyfriend towards clothes

£50 from parents towards clothes

£70 from random relatives.

Superdry Tshirt

Traveling Europe guide which is awesome

I'm happy :)

I know what people mean when they say sometimes giving is better than receiving gifts. Got my family loads of cool shit this year and they all seemed really appreciative.

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Loads of boxers and Socks,

Nice wollie jumper,

Hoody from top man,

Nice CK smellys

Few things from body shop off the Ex and her mam!

Jeans from River island

Nice shoes (like courts, but with velcro)

Money, Havent counded it yet.

Billy connoly DVD

Top gear dvds

Clarkson DVD

Hammonds Book!!!

Panasonic Mini Dv camera


oh my god I forgot to say New jimmys and slippers!!!! :lol:

Well chuffed, My lil bro spoiled the day, He got blow pens, and there now in the bin, after he got the on my mum BRAND NEW CREAM carpet!!!!!!

Edited by Matt Gibson
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Well I bought myself a Ozonys full build and my parants got me:

New version Ribo shoes

Mini Dv White Samsung video camera

HD Dvd Player

Ipod speaker system

Parker stationary

Ipod accessories


Fully Waterproof Riding Gloves

Simpsons full series DVD's


Loads of Chocolate


Few more things I cannot remember. Was a really good Christmas for me!

Edited by Koxx_Nath.C
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Loads of chocolate (I feel so fat now)

Simpsons Alarm Clock thing

Homer Dashboard thing (it screams at you for your driving)


Rac Breakdown Kit, (for when I brake down)

Top gear book, My dad had one of those, quite a cool read



Other things I cant remember....

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I did quite well!

- Sennheiser Radio Mic Kit

- PAG Broadcast camera top light (with a battery that has its own shoulder strap, madness!)

- Animal watch, bloody mint, camo strap, just so nice!

- Clarkson Super Car Showdown DVD (wasn't impressed after watching it)

- Earthed 5 (big let down after watching)

- Mark Ronson CD (v naice)

- The World According to Clarkson book

- Ben Sherman zip-up long sleeved top, proper nice!

- Drunk Monkey T shirt

- Mars & Friends selection box (no xmas should be without one haha)

- £30 Next voucher (for looking after my mates Rabbit)

- A proper tasteless/chavvy striped top (no offense Simon lol) from one of my Mum's mates.

I also spent a lot on myself this Christmas (needed a lot of kit for 2008)

- Sony PVM Broadcast-spec monitor for editing and getting colours correct etc

- A second bullet cam + camcorder for car filming (camcorder records the footage from the bullet cam)

- A few additional vacuum/flexy camera mounts for car filming

- A cheap pair of roller blades - needed the wheels/axles/bolts for a tracking dolly im making.

+ Looking at getting another decent camcorder this coming year.

Did pretty well all in all! :D Have a great new year people!!

Edited by Jonny Jones
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I got:

Mass Effect

£30 HMV gift card


€75 (Going to france soon)



Weird pillow thing thats really comfy

Snowboarding helmet

2 Calendars

Not too bad, more than i was expecting to be fair, has been a good christmas here, everyone was really happy with their presents. My aunt though is to ungrateful, my uncle bought my aunt a nice expensive Philips digital photo frame and she said "why did you buy me that, I dont want it". How rude is that ???

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  Boswell said:
I got an 8GB ipod nano as i have already said above, can anyone explain how i tansfer my music to it? I have got a far as making a copy of one my CDs onto the program? :(

iTunes should open as default - your iPod will show up, open the music in a window, highlight, drag and drop onto iTunes, your music will be uploaded! However it may be more complex if you're using a PC?

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Nintendo wii plus games

I mac

ps3 games

car (to come soonish)

loada milky bar white buttons, yum yum.

transformers dvd :)

sipmsons movie dvd :)

tee shirt

slippers x 2


paintbaling gift voucher to go thingi.


dressing gown



and gf made me a photo album with all pics of us 2 in over time we been together, mint christmas eh lads!

oh and bike soon. yrc

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  Koxx_Nath.C said:
Well I bought myself a Ozonys full build and my parants got me:

New version Ribo shoes

Mini Dv White Samsung video camera

HD Dvd Player

Ipod speaker system

Parker stationary

Ipod accessories


Fully Waterproof Riding Gloves

Simpsons full series DVD's


Loads of Chocolate


Few more things I cannot remember. Was a really good Christmas for me!

No pony and stables?

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Clothes which i don't like, mother should have just given me the money for me to choose


50 quid to go in said wallet

Lacoste Essential gift pack thing (aftershave is SOOOO sexual smelling)

Half bought myself a new shell and some spray for my T-maxx

Ben Sherman socks

Think that's about it, wasn't great, don't have anything to play with :(

Edited by Fat Pants™
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