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Is It Possible?

Joe Papasnap Maher

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Shit :( Hospital?

i highly doubt its actually inside the eyeball, did i follow you right? if thats what your saying?

if so the outer casing of your eye, i think its the sclera, should have a hole in it? id say its a permenant loss in vision which you dont have.

if its scratched the eye it might still feel like its there, but an eye clinics the place to be. as ive always been told i only will have 1 pair of eyes

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i highly doubt its actually inside the eyeball, did i follow you right? if thats what your saying?

if so the outer casing of your eye, i think its the sclera, should have a hole in it? id say its a permenant loss in vision which you dont have.

if its scratched the eye it might still feel like its there, but an eye clinics the place to be. as ive always been told i only will have 1 pair of eyes

its not so much if its inside the eyeball. ive been to hospital with grinding sparks in my eyes on several occasions. three times there been nothing in there, its just been scratched, once it was there, but was fished out easily with some solution and a swab, and another time it was almost stuck in there, which involved a doctor with a small metal hooked probe(talking miniscule here) sliding it underneath it and gently pulling it off.

the main issue is. if it was hot when it touched your eye(altho only for a millisecond) it may of almost fused itself to the eye, i dont mean proper strongly, but almost like its just softened the top surface of the eye enough to get a weak join between the 2.

and the eyes despite being your only pair, also heal very quickly(think how long a loose flap of skin would take to heal up, compare that to laser eye surgery, which is a smilae thing. and often with 24 hours you can be functioning normally.) meaning if theres any small adhesion to the eye and the bit in it, the eye will often heal round it, or at least begin to, in a matter of hours. (meaning its either a lot harder/impossible to remove, and or leaves scar tissue)

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Dont panic, im safe and well. Nothing in there :( but is infected :(

got some gue'y stuff to stick in there 4 times a day :) Should be all rosey in a few days.

Cheers for all your help guys. Much appreciated.

P.s..waited about an hour for anyone who cares :P ( Everyone who was coming in had cuts hahah )

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