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Need Some Help [edited]


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Ok iam now building my new echo and when my backwheel is on and set up the freewheel is not lined up with the spocket so when the back wheel turns the chain crunch on the sproket ?

Can the bb not be in enought ?

Edit: So the anwser to my problem was to put a spacer between the freewheel and the crank but my friend told me not to because i would strip the threads, so I had to buy a pair of new cranks.

I got monty cranks which a really good I would prefer not to change them and spend the least money possible. Is there any other way i could line up my chain with my sproket ?!?


Edited by TrAsHeR
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Ok iam now building my new echo and when my backwheel is on and set up the freewheel is not lined up with the spocket so when the back wheel turns the chain crunch on the sproket ?

Can the bb not be in enought ?

Im assuming you are using either a MOD or a 116mm Stock with a FFW. In which case the BB width would be where I'd start... what's the shell width and what BB?

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ok but ive bought the frame and bb second han so the bb has already been on there all ive done is change the back hub crank and frewhell

Maybe the bb is not in the right way ?

It wouldnt screw in i dont think, if you can fit a FW on then im guessing it's a 127.5 and what frame is it? MOST frame's these days have a 68mm shell........

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The BB has reverse threads on the drive side, so it can't be installed the wrong way around. Chances are you need a different length BB axle. You may be able to fine tune it with a spacer under the freewheel, but this will only adjust the freewheel in and leave less threads to transfer the load through the chain, so less optimal.

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  • 2 weeks later...

If you have a spare KMC stick that on instead, it will solve the problem.

When brand new, the edges of the links on the Collapse chains are very 'square' and they can pop/bang on 20" bikes. The KMCs have chamfered edges on their plates and don't do this.

If you carry on riding it does wear in though.

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If it sounds like a crunching (sp) noise my bike did this on my 20'' echo my bb is 128 and i found that my chain was a little to tight so i took all the rear sprocket and chain off cleaned them all done regreased them and put them back on with a little looser chain and it was fine :D

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