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Mbk T1000 Evo 2 2008, "polish" Design

Tribal Zone

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Some pics of my new bike, which belonged to the champion of France (expert) Nicolas Luque. He made some modifications on this bike, which will be on the model 2008: the design (an exceptional decoration " polish " ), the lighter superior yoke, the new handlebars in carbon and alu...

More pics in original size on the site www.tribalzone.fr, direct link on main page or here !







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Are those forks just Viz forks with a gay looking dragon on??

no the fork is not a viz one with new look... it is a mbk/tms one...


Details : Fork Alunimun strait 26" (lenght 410mm, ofset 45mm) discmount standard international 160mm, AL steerer cnc, weight 850g (detail of Viz : VIZ FORK 26" Cr-Mo stem W/V-brake W/disc mount W/cable guide) and the finish is not the same

Whilst were talking bout mbk's, if someone like tartyadam reads this. The blue mbk ? Are they going to be back in stock on tarty, or are they not made anymore ?

concerning the blue MBK

it is still available in France, you can buy it on new tms web shop www.tmsport.org (-> "products")... friend of mine, co factory rider TMS-MBK, just got one...

thanx for comments !!! any other comments are welcome !!! :)

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no the fork is not a viz one with new look... it is a mbk/tms one...


Details : Fork Alunimun strait 26" (lenght 410mm, ofset 45mm) discmount standard international 160mm, AL steerer cnc, weight 850g (detail of Viz : VIZ FORK 26" Cr-Mo stem W/V-brake W/disc mount W/cable guide) and the finish is not the same

concerning the blue MBK

it is still available in France, you can buy it on new tms web shop www.tmsport.org (-> "products")... friend of mine, co factory rider TMS-MBK, just got one...

thanx for comments !!! any other comments are welcome !!! :)

to be fair mate, they are probs just generic catalogue forks, so the are near enough the same, bit like your Onza carbon bars...

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i watched my fork and viz catalog more precisely, and what you say is right... the MBK fork is exactly the same that the VIZ... they come from the same factory in China, just like the wheels (hubs and front rim), or VIZ made it for TMS/MBK!

have a look at this version... here is one of the versions available for 2008... this gold version is characterized by its rims, stickers, chaine, brake Marta gold


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